You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages

You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages, If your love is gone, I will be lost without you. Just promise me that your love is here to stay and you will ever have my heart forever. Inside my heart, your love lives. It is a picture that brighten my day and each time I look to it, my day is made.

Nothing is as amazing in love like having the one who makes your heart beat as one. If you have gotten that special person in your life, these You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages are meant for you to share with the one you love.

My Heart Beats For You Messages

  You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages

1.    If your love is gone, I will be lost without you. Just promise me that your love is here to stay and you will ever have my heart forever.

2.    Within the thought of my heart, I just can’t get over you. You have made me do one thing. All is think about you.

3.    Within my heart, a picture of you makes an imagination that I find so hard to erase out of my mind.

4.    Each time I see you, I feel so special in my heart. It is the flame of your love that makes me special to love you.

5.    Every beat of my heart is made possible because of your love. For that I will ever love you with every beat of my heart.

6.    Inside my heart, your love lives. It is a picture that brighten my day and each time I look to it, my day is made.

7.    I watch not to watch your love so it will never come to an end. I wish to let it dwell in my heart that I will watch it forever.

My Heart Beats For You Quotes Messages

8.    Nothing makes any meaning to my life than your love. Nothing gives me hope than your love. Your love is all I need to make my life anew. Thank you for loving me, now, I am a better person all because you love me.

9.    I sincerely want to thank you for standing by me this far. You have shown to me that you are truly a GOD sent. I shall forever love you till the end. Just bear with me. It shall be well with us.

10.    Your love found me in my bare state of mind. When I was worthless, you took me as I am. Now that I am a better person, to you I give it all. Thanks for turning my life around.

11.    My gratitude goes to you for staying and loving me when life for me was a challenge. Now that I have seen the light from the end of the tunnel, all my life do I dedicate to loving you.

12.    My undying love is for you, the angel of my life. You love me beyond reasons. And for that, I will stick with you forever.

I Love You With All My Heart Messages

13.    Hidden inside my heart are the blessings I found in your love. It has given me joy and all I live for is the epitome of your love that had erased my pains.

14.    I open my arms and the bliss of your love took control. In my heart of hearts, I saw the blessing you showered on me. I admired this love of yours that is so adorable to be and lived with.

15.    The aura you carry is a blessing to my soul. Every time I think of you, I am like someone who has found his lost treasure and you know what, you are that found treasure.

16.    Your love is a blessing and a tonic to my soul. I wondered how blessed I am to have your love as mine.

17.    Black they say is beautiful but I thought it was a lie till I found you. Now I can confess that you are a blessing among the blessed.

18.    Your love is so real. There is never a dull moment around you. If I am bore, one place I know I can find happiness is to be around you. You are a blessing to my soul.

19.    My love, the good Heaven will ever bless you for me. You have become a blessing for all your love and care. I will ever live to value you till the end of time.

My Heart Beats For You SMS Messages

20.    Every passing day, I love you more than ever. If your love keeps giving me the blessing that I want so shall my heart keep loving you till eternity.

21.    A brighter day with a new hope, everything good God will make it come your way. He has single you out for blessing. May you find favour in His abundant grace that abound.

22.    When the meaning of love seem to lose it true meaning, I shall find solemn in yours that we shared. Your love is kindhearted and an ever sure blessing that has blessed my soul in every minute of the day.

23.    Every passing day, I found myself falling over in love with you. The reason is that your love keeps renewing my heart to fall in love with you over and over again.

24.    There say absence diminishes love but yours have not done some to me. Instate each time you are not around my love for you keeps increasing every passing day.

25.    Little by little you have become a greater part of me. Every passing day I see the sweet memory of you renewed in my heart to love you like never before.

26.    Every passing day I see your love renewed in my heart to love you like never before and who am I not to yield to the love of you.

My Heart Beats For You Love Messages

27.    Every passing day, your love has become my renewing strength. I shall ever live in that strength that renews my heart l towards loving you till the very end.

28.    Every minute I spend with you, is enough to keep me alive far beyond the next century. I love you far beyond what words could express. Just know for sure that every passing day, you mean more than the world to me.

29.    The joy of loving you is the reason that has kept me alive. I know I would have long been forgotten but since I found you, I know I shall live to love you till eternity.

30.    If there is anything that makes me feel alive, it is the aura that your love carries. It has taken control over me and there is nothing I would do without the love of you.

31.    Your love to me is like the fountain of joy. It is like a blessed house set upon a rock where neither rain nor storm or wind could neither blow nor take away.

32.    This little seed of love you sowed inside my heart have germinated into an oak tree. Now it has bear fruits of togetherness wrapped in love of you.

33.    Thank God money is not everything. If money was everything, I would have none to buy your love. I love you for you are priceless and your love, it is a treasure I shall never dream of missing.

Sweet My Heart Beats For You Love SMS For Her Or Him

34.    True love they say is in the beauty of the heart and not the outward appearance. Thank God I never judge from the outward, then I would have been blind to all the qualities that have made me long for you like never before.

35.    I am so sorry to have kidnapped your heart but I cannot let you go because I do not want to miss nor lose your love any minute of the day.

36.    The joy of loving you is one of the reasons that make me alive. You bring me joy that brings me life. If not for the love I found in you, life would have made no meaning without your love.

37.    Tenderly you took me in your arms and the feelings I felt can never be explained. I long to be in your arms for in there have I found the paradise to my soul.

38.    Each time I look into your eyes, I felt so closer to you. Your love brings me closer and closer to you. For the way you love, I will ever be closer to you.

39.    Miracles shall forever abound but the miracle of you is a rare gift that abound ones. Thank God it abound my way for I’m so glad to have the miracle of you.

40.    Each time I looked into your eyes, I behold the beauty of heaven and each time I think of you, I have the feeling of paradise. Truly, you are the joy of the heavenly paradise I long for.

Love Messages For Her And Him From The Heart

41.    I love you more than the stars in the sky. If you can count the stars, then you can count my love for you. If you cannot then know for sure that I will always love you till the very end.

42.    Like the stars in the sky are uncountable, like the sand in the earth are uncountable, like a dream that come true, so is my love for you.

43.    Your love is like waterfall, it never stops. Your love is like a million stars, it never fades. Your love is like life, it never dies.

44.    In the throne of my heart, your love reign. There her glory sparkles like a million stars to brighten my days and made me thirst for none else but you, love of life.

45.    I decided to count the stars and your love for me but after some minutes, I lost count. It was then I realized that your love for me is like the stars that are uncountable.

46.    The reign of your might is like the dawn of a new day. The blossom of your glory is like the gathering of a million stars. The joy in you is like a song of praise to HEAVEN. Truly, you are a love personify.

47.    For all your patience, understanding and love for me, you are more than a million stars to me.

My Heart Beats For You Quotes For Her And Him

48.    Your love is like the gift of valentine and your caring is like the joy of Christmas. I have tasted both and now I know I cannot be the same without the gift of you.

49.    Comforted by your ever presence in time of despair, I am blessed for the gift of you. You have showed me the meaning of true love and now the rest of my days are thoughts in praise of your care.

50.    I was lost but your love found me. My purpose for living was gone but you came and picked the broken piece that was my life. Now you have turned me into a master-piece. Forever, I would live to celebrate the love of you.

51.    Happy valentine as you make the day joyful and worth loving. Always have the best of valentine every moment of your day. Best wishes of love this valentine day and always.

52.    You bless me when I thought I was out. You give me joy when I thought I was down. You make me alive when I thought I was off. These and many more have your love done for me.

53.    The joy of loving you is the tonic that erased my fear. Now all I do is enjoy the bliss that the gift of you brings into my life.

54.    They thought I was crazy when I said I love you. Thank God I made that decision. Now I can tell who is actually crazy.

Love SMS For Him And Her From The Heart

55.    Even if everyone glances through, they would be blind to see the priceless worth of your love. Your love is priceless and to it, I shall live for the rest of my life.

56.    The value of my worth your love refills to me. It has been the strength of glory that carries me from one level to another.

57.    All I wish for is a moment with you. If I can have that moment with you, my life is made forever. Give me that moment and make my life a worthy place to live in.

58.    What makes my life worth living for is your love. Since I have your love, I have gotten all and nothing I long for again but your love that has given me all.

59.    I was asked between a million dollar and you. I wasted no time in choosing you because I know deep in my heart that the value of money can never replace your worth. You are more than a million dollars to me.

60.    I think of the greatest refreshment in life and all I could think of is your love that is so refreshing to my life and that which is priceless with the worth that money can’t buy.

61.    Surprises! That is the overdose of all that I got from you. 100% love, 100% care and 100% of everything that makes my life worth that which I would live for everyday.

Love Messages From The Heart For The One You Love

62.    As long as the star twinkles, my love for you will never dim. As long as the sun rises, my love for you will never fade. As long as I live, my love for you will never die.

63.    Like the cloud gathered, like the sun shined, like the star twinkled, like the morning comes, so is my love for you.

64.    If there is another day, month or year. If there is another sun, moon or star. There will never be another you. You are a gift that can never be replaced.

65.    The day I saw you, the beauty of you, the dark could not hide. Like a shining star, you shine through my soul and now I am so complete all because of your love.

66.    You are the sun, moon and star I see. Above all you are the love I have. Nothing can separate my love for you. You are my everlasting love.

67.    Among the star, the moon and the sun none can be compared to your love. With your love, I can see the star, moon and sun. Above all, I can see myself when I see you.

68.    Let me be your sun, moon and star. Your sun so I could shine in darkness. Your moon, so I could guide your path. Your star, so I could be your guidance angel.

You Are The One That Makes My Heart Beat As One

69.    I search for an angel and found you. I search for love and still found you. You are my angel and love of my life that guides and protect me away from danger.

70.    Let your love erase my doubt and create in me a new heart that lives for you. Let it make me a new creature that I might search for none else but you angel of my life.

71.    What can be compared to you my lovely angel? None! For there is something about you that makes me feel like a King with a crown.

72.    Everyday the single thought of you renews my heart with a strong passion to love you more. Now I know I have found an angel in you.

73.    What I valued most about you is nothing but you. Now for the love of you, all that ever matters to me is nothing but you, angel of my life.

74.    I prayed for a guardian angel who will guard me all the way and when I thought my prayers weren’t answered; you came like a guardian angel and swept me off my feet’s with the beauty that is your love.

75.    If others claimed to have seen angels, I shall never be bordered because since I met you, I have found the angel others are searching for.

You Gives Me The Heart To Love Again Messages

76.    I thought I will never love again till I found you. Now I have the reason to be grateful for the love we shade. You are and shall ever be my endless love.

77.    Your love gives meaning to my life. Your love renewed my heart and gives me the reason to love again. My heart, soul and body, shall ever live to always love you.

78.    Why should I run away from love when within your comfort, I have come to find love and peace of mind? You have brought me joy and have given to me the reason to love again.

79.    I shall sing of your love even in darkness. For if I do, brightness will always overshadow every darkness that have engulf my mind not to love again.

80.    Never go in search of love, open your heart to love. For when you do, love will find you. That was all I did and your love found me. Now I live never to regret my action.

81.    Love will find you when you opened up your heart. Don’t close your heart to love even when you’re hurt. If you can open your heart, then love can find you.

82.    When I think of the greatest refreshment in life; all I could think of is your love. Your unconditional love has given me the perfect refreshment that has nourished my heart to love you always.

You Are My Sweetest  Heart Messages

83.    Sweetest of them all, I have to make this confession. Your love is like the balm that healed my soul. Ever since I started loving you, I could feel no ailment anymore.

84.    Honey is sweeter but your love is the sweetest. Gold has a price tag but your love is priceless. If I have to choose between both, I rather will choose you.

85.    The sweetest thing that has ever happened to my life is the day you gave your love to me. Each day, I looked back, I shall ever live to cherish that day.

86.    Falling in love with you is the sweetest thing that have ever happen to me. Ever since I met you, I have found my treasure house of paradise in you.

87.    Between your love and honey, I keep asking myself which among them is the sweetest? Off course, your love it is, that which is sweeter than honey.

88.    It was so nice to fine a soul as sweet as yours. In all it ramification, if there is anything sweeter, the origin of it would ever be trace to that which is your love. Your love is the sweetest and I am glad to be the custodian of it.

89.    My splendid heart, my yearning mind, my vividly desire, my silent tripper, my conscience elevator, my soul dreamer, my heart keeper and my sweetest look. You are my everyday joy.

You Make Me Love You Heart Messages

90.    How could I resist this love that is so true and pure? Your love has blessed my soul and all I could do is love you like our Creator loves us.

91.    Your love is like an ocean that never ends. Each time I looked to see the end, all I see is a new kind of love that makes me want you more and more.

92.    Trapped in your ocean of love, where else could I swim to; except your heart to discover the secret hidden inside your love.

93.    My love, were heroes are found; I could beat my chest as one. For your love had made me a hero. I am now like a king with a crown all because of your love.

94.    Your love is perfect and complete. Nothing in this world would I use to compare with your love. Your love is true, sincere, loving and above all, a perfect choice for me.

95.    You warm my heart with the flame of your love. You make me live everyday like my breath depends on you. Now I cannot live a day without the thought of you.

96.    My body, spirit and soul are controlled by the flame of your love. Whichever way you turn it; it is all yours for a keep.

97.    Like a precious diamond in the sky, I see your love so shine that it has overshadowed my weaknesses. Now I know I have found a brighter star and that star is your love that shines on me.

98.    My love for you is like the lit of candle, it shore brighter than the star and calms my mind more than the dew of the morning air.

99.    Among the million stars, your name is written on them all. It will ever shine that the world will know that you are the star made for me.

100.    What will I do without your love? Your love is like the sun and moon. It comes in due season and each time it comes; I am so favoured beyond my reasoning that it blesses me with all the happiness I needed to love always.



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Needlelines – Words That Inspire, Messages That Matter!: You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages
You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages
You Make My Heart Beat As One SMS Messages, If your love is gone, I will be lost without you. Just promise me that your love is here to stay and you will ever have my heart forever. Inside my heart, your love lives. It is a picture that brighten my day and each time I look to it, my day is made.
Needlelines – Words That Inspire, Messages That Matter!
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