Short Love Messages, Sweet Romantic Messages & Cute Messages For Love & Friendship

Nice Message To A Friend, Love Friendship Text Messages, Cute Msg For Best Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message To A Very Special Friend, Emotional Friendship Messages, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Long Message To Send To Your Best Friend

Love Feelings
A true friend would always show that such cares. If you are in a relationship and never shows how you care, such relationship might amount to nothing.

Short Love Messages, Sweet Romantic Messages & Cute Messages For Love & Friendship

A true friend would always show that such cares. If you are in a relationship and never shows how you care, such relationship might amount to nothing. Show you care by appreciating the one you love. We have got some messages here that would help express how you feel for the one you love.

Sweet Touching Love Messages

1.    Like music to my soul, so does your love play me a melody that renews my soul every moment of the day to love you with the strength I found unbelievable.

2.    In this season of love let the love from the bottom of my heart feels your day with abundance grace that brings all the joy and happiness that comes with Valentine.

3.    When the meaning of love seems to lose it true meaning, I shall find solemn in yours that we shared. Yours is kind-hearted and an ever sure blessing that has blessed my soul.

4.    Comforted by your ever present in time of despair, I’m blessed for the gift of you. You have showed me the meaning of true love and now the rest of my days are thoughts in praise of your care.

5.    I was lost but your love found me. My purpose for living was gone but you came and pick the broken piece that was my life. Now you have turned me into a master-piece. Forever, I will live to celebrate the love of you.

6.    Let a zeal be put and let the world know that I have found my missing rib. That missing rib is you, love that gives me joy to smile.

7.    You bless me when I thought I was out. You give me joy when I thought I was down. You make me alive when I thought I was off. These and many more have your love done to me.

8.    The joy of loving you is the tonic that erases my fear. Now all I do is enjoy the bliss that the gift of you brings into my life.

9.    Blessed beyond comprehension, the aura of your love has made me whole. Her alabaster smell has engulfed my soul. Now all I do is bless my Maker for giving me you.

10.    My world would never be complete without you. My life story would never be told without you. My living would never have an end without you and all the love you give.

Cute Romantic Love Messages

11.    My eye was blind-folded and was asked to identify you. I smile because I needed not to hear your voice to know if it was you. All I did was close my eyes and the aura of you awoken me.

12.    Even if it is a taboo, my heart would still love you for nothing can take your love away from me.

13.    My undying love goes to you angel of my life and keeper of my soul. You have loved me beyond any reason. For that, I will stick with you forever.

14.    You woo me with the potent of your love and elevated my soul with the tenderness of your cares. Now the rest of my days will I live in love of you.

15.    Tenderly you took me in your arms and the feeling I have can never be explain. I long to be there for in your arms have I found a paradise to my soul.

16.    The joy of loving you is the reason am alive. You bring me love that brings me life. If not for your love, I would have felt lifeless without the love of you.

17.    Each time I look into your eyes, I feel closer to you. Your love brings me closer and closer to you. For the way you love, I will ever be closer to you now and forever.

18.    Even without your presence, I still feel the aura of your love in the air. Where ever you are, just know that the love of you keeps me around to wait for your return.

19.    You put a smile into my face each time I think of your love. The reason am still alive is all because of your love. If it weren’t you, loneliness would have wrapped me to the earth.

20.    My gratitude goes to you for staying and loving me when every breath of life was a challenge. Now that am a step you, all my life have I dedicated in love of you.

Love Messages From The Heart

21.    I am not here to hurt you but to stay and love you forever. If there is one thing I will ever do, is to protect and guide you and make your love a paradise here on earth.

22.    Loving you is like feeling the warm of the morning air. It makes me feel good and bless my day with the tenderness that awoken my heart to keep loving you the more.

23.    Your worth and values are not replacement. Your care and kind-heartedness is priceless. Your love and smile is irresistible. Truly, you’re a diamond that fades the not.

24.    Each time I look into your eyes, I behold the beauty of heaven and each time I think of you, I have the feel of paradise. You’re the joy of the heavenly paradise I long for.

25.    Your love gives me the wing to fly. Your tenderness, gives me the heart to see another day. In the beauty of it, your love makes me what I am.

26.    If I die now, I have no regret. For the regret I would have has the beauty of your love blinded them all away.

27.    Wings were made to fly, love was made to live. In my heart would your love ever live as long as you give me wings to fly.

28.    I prayed for a guardian angel who will guard me all the way and when I thought my prayer weren’t answered, you came like a torch-bearer and sweep me off with the sunshine that is your love.

29.    They say love is blind but how come when I close my eyes, all I see is the wondrous beauty and the warm sunshine that your love radiates.

30.    When I was sick, I decided to take no pills. All I needed was to hear your voice and all the symptom that was my sickness, will this appear.

Deep Love Messages

31.    If I am sick, I know the right prescription to take – a little bit of your love added with a bit of your tender-loving-care and I will be fine all day long.

32.    To the throne of my heart, you came, took my tears away and gave to me the love that am so proud of. For that, I will ever live to love you till the end.

33.    I know that what we have is a bond that only the hand of the almighty would separate.

34.    If your love was to be sold, then I would have walked the world without the money to buy one. But since it is a free gift of nature, I am so glad to have yours as mind.

35.    Your love is like the river that never runs dry. Every moment of the day, it loving kindness has quenched my thirst. Now I live in peace to drink form the cup of your love and care.

36.    I opened my heart and wrote your name in it. There shall it ever be hidden from all who might seek to destroy your bound.

37.    Upon the surface of the water I wrote your name. Let the wave of the ocean carry it and announce to the world that in the beauty of love, have I found you, lover of my soul.

38.    Your love is sweeter than rose and brighter than the star. It aura elevated my soul and made me think of nothing else but you that have comforted me.

39.    If I could paint love, then I would have painted you. But since love grows in the heart, then I have painted a true picture of you that is the love that never fades.

40.    Like sunshine, your love shore through my soul and watch away the entire fault that had kept me bound.

Sweetheart Love Messages

41.    Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is forever. I shall look to the future with hope for the entire journey I will ever take; I have found a perfect match that will go with me – your love!

42.    Every second, every minute, every hour, your love showered and blessed me like the drop of rainfall. Now am a blessed soul all because I found your love.

43.    Your smile is the only thing that comforts me and your love the only thing I live for. Let it be the only thing that makes me anew that I would be comforted to live and die for.

44.    I love is a person then I have seen the person whose love have given me the power to shout for joy. That person if you may know is you.

45.    You’re love personified. When I look into your eyes, I see the true image of love. For loving me, I have no doubt that love was created for you and nothing else.

46.    Lovely fun with tender cares, that is the bliss your love renders. Never a dull moment. Just fun all the way. I love this love of you that have given me all the fun in the world.

47.    Never will there be any regret for loving you. Since you walk into my life, I have found the joy that walk the street of gold - that is your love for me.

48.    Everything I wanted in love, I have found them in you. You’re my all, a perfect love that fadeth not.

49.    Thought of you gladden my heart to be alive, anytime am down, all I needed is think of you and my life will become anew all because of your love.

50.    Though I have love before but none can be compared to your love. Sincerely I would do anything for your love that made me live to love you with all my heart.

Friendship Love Messages

51.    Every moment with you is like a walk through paradise. I cherish every bit of your togetherness.

52.    When I see your smile; I have this special feeling of your love that has given me the energy to love you continually and forever.

53.    Your smile is hard to replace. It is so sensual with an aura that has drawn me to you forever.

54.    In my heart, your love had filled a space that no one can fill. I have kept that space for you and no one in this world can take that away from you.

55.    I shall sing to the sky of your love. I shall announce to the earth your cares. I shall tell my generation that upon my life time, I found a love that has given me all.

56.    Because you’re natural, I shall ever love you the way your.

57.    The reason you were created was for me to love and since I found you, I have no regret that the creation of your kind was all because of me.

58.    Every part of me breaths all because you give me d reason to love and live for.

59.    Ever since I fall for you, I have found my pleasure house of paradise in you.

60.    Every complexity of life, your love have simplify and made me found the heart to live. All I wanted now is nothing but the bliss of this kind of your love.

Short Love Messages

61.    Your love came and took away my pains. Now I am so glad that I followed my heart to this discover this hidden love that have made me d most precious person.

62.    I live for you, love of my life. I breathe because you love me. If you stop loving me, I can’t imagine what my world will turn to – everlasting darkness.

63.    Happy valentine as you make the day joyful and worth loving. Always have the best of valentine every moment of your day. Best wishes of love always.




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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Short Love Messages, Sweet Romantic Messages & Cute Messages For Love & Friendship
Short Love Messages, Sweet Romantic Messages & Cute Messages For Love & Friendship
Nice Message To A Friend, Love Friendship Text Messages, Cute Msg For Best Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message To A Very Special Friend, Emotional Friendship Messages, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Long Message To Send To Your Best Friend
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