There is no one alive that would attest to what tomorrow might bring. Tomorrow is what we hope for that a better day would come. But determining tomorrow is never in our hands. Nature is tomorrow which is sometimes kind to some but not to all. In this ramification we should always do our best today and let time take its course tomorrow. Since the tick slows the clock that reaches its destination; it takes pain and determination to get the right things done which is what will secure our tomorrow. But be it as it may we should always know for sure that it shall be done the right way. Just like the steady movement of the time, we can apply its principles to make our lives better. Remember, you don’t rush the time, but you move with it to accomplish its mission and action. Inspirational Quotes, Life Quotes, Success Quotes, Best Quotes, Chasing Your Dreams Quotes, Love Quotes, Motivational Words, Attitude Quotes For Boys, Inspirational Words, Inspirational Quotes, Words Of Encouragement And Strength, Words Of Encouragement For A Friend, Words Of Encouragement For Hard Times, Words Of Encouragement For Work, Short Words Of Encouragement, Words Of Encouragement From The Bible, Take Its Course Synonym, Law Will Take Its Own Course Meaning, Run Its Course, Law Will Take Its Own Course Meaning In Hindi, Take Its Toll, Let Fate Take Its Course, Let Nature Take Its Course In Love, Take A Course Synonym, Destined For Greatness Quotes, True Greatness Quotes, The Path To Greatness Quotes, Quotes About Greatness And Leadership, Most Powerful Quotes Ever Spoken, Powerful Quotes About Life, Powerful Quotes About Success, Greatness Quotes Sports, Stages Of Mastering A Skill, Mastering Skills Meaning, Mastering The Basics, Mastering The Basics Quotes, Mastering Skills Examples, How To Master Anything, How To Master A Technique, The Process Of Mastering A Skill, Telling Someone They Inspire You, Being An Inspiration To Others, Quotes About Someone Who Inspires You, How To Inspire Others With Words, You Are An Inspiration To Me Quotes, You Are An Inspiration To All Of Us, Inspiring Others To Succeed, How To Inspire People
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Words of Inspirations |
Paramount Words Of Inspirations [Allow Time To Take Its Course, Be Inspired To Greatness and Basic Skills Are Mastered] To Inspire The People You Love
[1]. Allow Time To Take Its Course
There is no one alive that would attest to what tomorrow might bring. Tomorrow is what we hope for that a better day would come. But determining tomorrow is never in our hands. Nature is tomorrow which is sometimes kind to some but not to all. In this ramification we should always do our best today and let time take its course tomorrow. Since the tick slows the clock that reaches its destination; it takes pain and determination to get the right things done which is what will secure our tomorrow. But be it as it may we should always know for sure that it shall be done the right way. Just like the steady movement of the time, we can apply its principles to make our lives better. Remember, you don’t rush the time, but you move with it to accomplish its mission and action.
“You can’t get to 6.00p.m., without passing through 6.00a.m.”
Work in-between time and never try to be faster than your shadow. Every great achievement comes with schedule time that gradually moves to it desire destination. When you give in to time, then you will be able to plan your life. Time is what you should give in to for this is what will make you meet up with things. The moment you have value for time, then your task in it accomplishment becomes easier. People who value time, will also ways have a better days ahead. Time is precious towards making things happen. And if you lack the value for time, then be sure of not accomplishing anything at a reasonable time.
When we say you should let time take its course, it means you should work with time to actualize things. It is not for you to become lazy and feel it is alright when actually it is not. Those who value time always have a rewarding experience. Even though we should not rush time, but we need to move with the moving time. If there is something that is needed for us to accomplish our purpose, that thing is time. And when you treat time with the right purpose for it, you achieve what you want effortlessly.
If you want to get things done, do not sleep overtime. Remember that we do not have all the time to accomplish all our purpose but rather to work with time to get things done when it should. In our dealing with time management, we should brave up and never let it sound as if we are sees as unserious when it comes to timing for us to achieve our desire purpose. It is good to be patience with time, but we shouldn’t procrastinate when it involves timing. Time is of essence and it is what will get us on target to meet our needs. When you value time, then time will take its course. But the moment you make it feel as if you do not value it, it becomes that which might seems as if you have not achieve anything. If there is one thing you should value, that thing is time. And if you desire to make a life out of every situation, allow time to take its course.
[2]. Be Inspired To Greatness
“I was raped at the age of 9.” – Oprah Winfrey. “I didn’t even complete my university education.” – Bill Gates. “In my childhood days, I stitched shoes.” – Abraham Lincoln. “I struggled academically through elementary school.” – Dr. Ben Carson. “I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training.” – Lionel Messi. “I used to sleep on the floor in friends’ rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money and getting weekly free meals at a local temple.” – Steve Jobs. “My teachers used to call me a failure.” – PM Tony Blair
I got these inspiring words sometimes ago that almost got some drop of tears out of my eyes from Whatapps Connect’s Facebook page. Sincerely the moment I saw this post, I sat back and began to think and reason at the same time; asking myself if these people actually went through all that in life. If actually they went through this like they confessed, then it makes me to wonder why people are worrying and just killing themselves over nothing. If these great men and women could withstood the humiliation, depression, despair, and the lowest self-esteem of the highest order, and still could make it to the top and become that which they desired to be in life, then we as human have no excuses to fail.
“Despairs are the foot mat on which we build our success story.”
Life is dynamic this I believe we all know. What actually makes it so is the worth of it. And this worth can only be gotten if we go through its many roads that are filled with thorns which prepare us ahead to actualize our dreams.
“There is no vision without despair and there is no victory without setbacks.”
We should have it at the back of our mind that nothing good comes easy. If you want it good, then be prepared to pay the price. Sincerely, if these great people whom the world still stand in salute of their courage could past through all these in their early life and still could make it to the top without allowing what they went through affect their mindset, then we who are passing through difficult time at the moment in our life’s, have no excuse or bundle of reasons to make life feel as if it is a bed of rose all through the time.
“Stand up and fight for your right no matter the frustration you are going through.”
For the benefit of doubt, we all know who these personalities are in our present world and the influence they carried in their respective field of human endeavours. On a lighter note, there is no need to further boost their ego, maybe you should take a little time online and do a search on Google for each of the mentioned names maybe a little prove of the outcome will convince you. For me, as I sat back to do a little deep research online about each of the personalities, I realized something that is so striking about each of them.
“Victory is achieved after passing through many rough roads without stopping by to complaint.”
Apart from reading about them and coming across some of them on our television set, if you could look beyond their appearance, you will sense what I saw. That striking attributes that defines every successful person. The very attributes the Bible recognized as the route one should take to achieve greatness. A look at that attribute is in Matthew (23:12) “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted”. It is good to humble yourself because humility is the key to success. When you are humble, you will ever be at peace with your enemy.
“Humility is the gateway to success.”
Taking a look at some of the notable Bible characters, we can see that what made them stands out is nothing but the spirit of humility. Abraham was humbled and God called him the father of all nations. Joseph, was humbled that makes him became a King in a strange land. David was humble and God called him a man after His heart. Esther exhibits the spirit of humility and she was chosen among other to be the Queen.
“Humility is what opens everlasting doors to greatness.”
There is something able humility that connects with our faith to actualize our dreams, destiny and the purpose to which we were created. When a man is humble, you will find within him this undeniable faith that gives him the grace to face every challenges of life and walk through them without making it feel as if that is the end for him. Humility is what opens every closed door. When you walk with humility, you can never be stranded no matter what you are passing through.
“Difficult times was not designed to break you down totally but are designed as a testing ground to inspire you to greatness.”
So in ever difficult time you experience, it should not make you give up but rather, kill the fear in you, rise up and face it squarely because what you stand up to, is what will make you tall and not what you sit down about. Imagine if these people had given up, would we have gotten men who are inspiring their generation to greatness? Let us say Bill Gates has given up; then there will be no Microsoft and the richest man in the world. And if Lionel Messi had given up, many would not be enjoying the beautiful game he gives to Barcelona. Imagine that Dr. Ben Cason had given up, then where would there be the gifted hand that leads the way to the first successfully separation of sesame twins. And if Steve job had done the same, today, there would be no Apple and the Ipads. And if Oprah Winfrey had done the same, what would have happen to the brand Oprah Winfrey Show? If Abraham Lincoln had given up in spite of the many times he failed, but till date, he is the most and would I say the best American President of all time. What of Tony Blair, the British has in him a Prime Ministers, Minister. In all, do not let the challenges of life, makes you forget your dreams.
“No matter the difficult time you are going through; never give up on your dreams.”
In life giving up when it is not conductive is like defeating yourself. The things we pass through in life are to toughen us and make us strong. It is to teach up the real lesson of life in progression. And when we give up, we kill our dreams and also in the process kill our purpose. In other to save mankind, Our Saviour went through so much and in all that He went through, He never complained but He said Father forgives them for they know not what they do. If he had complained, then the purpose would have been defeated. He chose to give it all it takes because that was the only option that could bring salvation to the whole world.
“Complaining about your situation will give you no edge to push forward and make your dream a reality.”
Lastly, every life is to fulfill a purpose and the road to fulfilling that purpose is scattered with thorns. Thorns of difficulties, depression, hatred, backbiting, frustration and all other negative devices you can think of but the bottom line is we as individual, who believes their dreams, shouldn’t be afraid to give it all that we have gotten within us. I know people who may only see your physical appearance without looking at your inside and determining the gift and potentials within you. I know this may seem to discourage you, but for you, you shouldn’t be discouraged but rather to hold on to your faith. It is only yourself who knows you have it and it is your duty to hold on to it and never let anyone discourages you. People will talk, but be yourself. What you need to do is look up to Him who has given you the gift and humble yourself in place of authority. If you can be true to yourself and you Maker, then forever and at all time, you will always find the inspiration that will inspired you to greatness.
“Stand firm and you will overcome.”
[3]. Basic Skills Are Mastered
When you define your dream and what you have passion for, the next level is to acquire the basic skills needed to excel in that area of endeavour. The acquisition of the basic skills in your chosen endeavour is what will give you an undue advantage time and time over against any other odd. The basic skills needed to excel in your area of endeavour should never be compromised for anything. It is what should be valued because when such is mastered that it will take you places.
“All you need to master your world, is to acquire the basic skills that is trending within your desired passion.”
Though the process of mastering the basic skills needed to excel could be turbulent and would require a pain staking effort which you alone would be the one to undertake and go with it all alone. In as much as this would be, you should be the one to do it all alone without giving in to the pains that it would bring. If you let others do it for you, then you should remember that such will always become the person who will always leads over you. In this regards, do not seek others to do it for you if you want to excel and be above your peers. Remember that if one learns on your behalf, that knowledge would never be that of your property but that of the other person. And if you make the other learn on your behalf, such might not give to you all that you will ever need to succeed in life. Let this be at the back of your mind that in this changing world, you need basic skill to win over every challenges of life. And when you have a basic skill, it wouldn’t be hard to have food on your table.
When acquiring a skill, let the skill be that which is in trend. Do not go for the basic skill that is outdated but should be that which is in trend. In our current dispensation, technology is the in-thing. The basic skill in any area of technology will do you good rather than learning a skill that will not benefit you at this changing time. A skill when mastered is what will give you an edge. And when you keep reinventing yourself in that area of the acquired skill, you will become relevant at all time. There is no skill that is too hard to learn. If you must learn a skill, it should be that which you have passion for. It is your passion for any basic skill that will make you acquire it without feeling bore about it. When you learn a skill that you so desire, do not discard this; it is what will keep you on top of your game later on in life. When you mastered the basic skills, be in tune with those within that endeavour top gain more. And also have a mentor you look up to in that area of endeavour. When you have a mentor, you will go far in acquiring the in-depth knowledge without stress. This in itself, is a sure route towards learning new discovery that will help you excel in that business.