There is a popular saying that time waits for nobody. How true this is, is better left to our imagination? We live in a world that is like a market place where we all as human are here with our wears to sale and thereafter, go back home to give account of our stewardships. If truly we have this at the back of our mind, we would put in our best never to waste any little time we have to make our wear a living commodity that all should strive to purchase. Quotes About Purpose Of Life, Power Of Purpose Quotes, Everything Has A Purpose Quotes, Born For A Purpose Quotes, Fulfilling Your Purpose Quotes, Quotes About Purpose In Work, Passion And Purpose Quotes, Life Inspiration Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Ultimate Quotes On Life, Life Quotes, Motivational Quotes For Skype, Thought Of The Day Motivational, The Ultimate Quotes Images, Short Quotes, Good Motivation, Living A Fulfilling And Purposeful Life, How To Live A Purposeful Life With God, Steps To Living A Purposeful Life, Purposeful Life Meaning, Living A Purposeful Life Quotes, Bible Verses About Living A Purposeful Life, What Does It Mean To Live A Fulfilled Life, Happiness And Meaningful Life, How To Grow Your Small Business, How To Grow A Small Business Into A Large Business, How To Expand Business Without Money, How To Grow Business Tips, Business Expansion Strategy, How To Grow A Company Successfully, How To Expand Business Tips, How To Grow A Small Business Tips, How To Achieve Your Dreams In Life, Steps To Achieve Goals In Life, Create Your Dream Life Game, How To Achieve Your Dreams Pdf, Achieve Your Dreams Quotes, Create Your Dream Life Quiz, How To Achieve Goals, How To Achieve Your Ambition Essay, Time Management, Time Management Articles 2018, Time Management Definition, Poor Time Management, Time Management Skills, Poor Time Management Articles, Time Management Tips, Time Management Techniques
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Ultimate Motivations |
3 Ultimate Inspirational And Motivational Tips That Would Bring A Daily Purposeful Life Of Fulfillment
"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life." – Steve Jobs
There is no need trying to define time here because time is too limited to be defined. If there is one thing we should dread, it is time.
"When you fail to move with the moving time, expect to reach your destination when it is late, that is if that will be possible."
There is a popular saying that time waits for nobody. How true this is, is better left to our imagination? We live in a world that is like a market place where we all as human are here with our wears to sale and thereafter, go back home to give account of our stewardships. If truly we have this at the back of our mind, we would put in our best never to waste any little time we have to make our wear a living commodity that all should strive to purchase.
We might have heard or come across this popular saying that we don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. I would add to it that we don’t have a second chance to add up to the number of years wasted in ignorance. Rightly, you may say there is a second chance to make a first impression. And rightly, I might seem to agree with you only in that context. But permit me to say that it can never add up to the number of years wasted. Again you might say that you can catch up with the years wasted. You might also say that age is nothing but just a number. But if I might ask, considering the number of the maximum age one should spend here on earth, you will realize that you don’t have any minute to waste because the scene of the unknown can take you up at anytime without notice. So in all you do, do not play with time. Time is too precious to be wasted because it is limited within the numbers of our years that we have to spend here on earth and we all know that we don’t have any control over it.
"Make time your best friend and move when you ought to without procrastination."
Steve Jobs the late Apple founder gave a good account of this in one of his quotes as captured above in this write-up. And to go with his saying, time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. As good as this simple advice, believe me you would still find people living someone else’s life all in the name of wanting to be like that fellow. Here there is a very big question mark? And what is this big question mark you may ask? Let me tell you in simple term. People actually do not want to discover their God given talent and strive towards making it a life changing fulfillment which is at the first instant, the purpose to which they were created.
"Discover who you are and move with time to actualize your dream."
In today’s world, it is so easy to find people tailoring their life to suit someone else’s dream. And they forget that no matter how they tried, they can never be life who they seem to imitate.
"Tailoring your life against someone else’s pattern is one of the best ways to waste your time."
If you could look carefully, at the end of it, you will never be like or better than that fellow. We all are unique in our own ways. And what gives us that uniqueness is the ability to discover ourselves and tailored our life towards making that a reality. But along the path of this fulfillment, there are obstacles that will constantly draw us backward, that is if we give in to it. The obstacles are not to break us down but to strengthen us towards achieving our aims without delay. Even if you come across this, do not waste time or putting off your dream. Keep on moving and you will realize that those common things you felt could hold you down are actually what you need to get this done the right way.
If we still look at it, the problem of wanting to be like another is something that should not be part of our thought or line of action. We should know that everybody has a measure of talent but the problem is we spend our time trying to make used of another person’s talent and we end up not using ours.
"Use the talent you have to get all that you want."
If you find a man who actualizes his talent, then in there you will see a man who is focus and never gives in to imitating any person. If such a person finds someone who has his kind of talent, all he does is learn from that person and add up his creativity to make it so original. He wouldn’t want to copy all and lose his focus from his own track. Some people just want to copy all without adding their creativity to it. And the time you spend copying every move of another person’s talent it enough to define yours. If seem to copy all, you lose focus and waste more time. You should know that anyone who already got there has an edge over you and seem to control the market in that option.
Sometimes, we sincerely do not see some of these things that draw us back as an obstacle till there are too late. Looking at procrastination, you may not even consider it to be an obstacle but sincerely, it is one of the biggest problems of our time.
"Nothing wastes our time like procrastination."
In fact, it is one of the major killers of destinies. I will get it done; I will fellow my dream, one excuse or the other without putting an action to it. And at the long run, we actually do not get it done and time is running out. Simply what we have done is to procrastinate without taking any action to actualize our dream. Like I said, nothing kills a dream like it.
"Procrastination makes us forget that life is too short to waste our time waiting for tomorrow instead of starting today."
If you are with me, brave up and put your dream to work. Another thing we seem not to give a listening ear to is, idleness. There is more to idleness than we can imagine. Some feels it is a part time thing for relaxation. But what we don’t seem to know is that it is time consuming and makes us give up on putting our valuable time to good use.
"Idleness only contributes to backwardness and increases in us the ability to envy others."
Like they say an idle mind is the devils workshop. When you are idle, you are wasting valuable time. If you look around, those who are idle seem to blame others for everything that comes their way and they also find time to engage in daily gossip. Sincerely, the worst you can do is to blame others for your misfortune. If you keep blaming others, you will never have the time to discover where the problem is coming from. And gossiping has nothing to offer you but rather saps the energy in you that should be used in productive thinking. Taking life casually and giving in to too much relaxation is another thing that makes us give in to the waste of time.
"The “I don’t care attitude” makes us forget that what we don’t care about can sometime turn around to affect us."
When you take everything just anyhow it is one function that contributes to not achieving any goal when we should at the time we should. Too much relaxation and not taking anything serious brings about laziness.
"Laziness is a waste of time, it takes our mind out of the real thing we should do and makes us feel it can be done later."
If you look at it “the later” is never done and the idea which would have make for creating wealth is delay through laziness and not wanting to put in effort to give it a try. The power that comes with laziness is complaining all the time without knowing that what we complain about is what others make a success out of it. Looking at life, sometimes, it is full of regret but all we should do is never to let that gets into our head.
"Living in regret is nothing but a waste of time and what will draw us backward without any gain in it."
If you allow life defeats you, you would spend so much time mourning your defeat. And guess what, you waste precious time which incidentally will affect not only you but your health and the good people around you. What you cannot change, there is no need to mourn over it like forever because if you keep mourning your defeats, victory will never come your way.
"When defeated by life many challenges, that is the time to brave up and put in a good fight to overcome those challenges."
The waste of time in mourning is a delay in the time to actualize your dream. So when face with challenges, brave up and move on. Sincerely, braveness is no child’s play you have to consciously build your mind at all time to become brave in other to overcome lives many turbulent times. It is through the heart of braveness that you can stand to overcome any defeat of life. I know it is not easy but it is sincerely the way to overcome that which would put you down and make of you a loser if you keep wasting time mourning what you cannot change. The very time you lost hope that is the very time you should keep the faith going. If you quit, you have lose all but if you press on, then you will sing a new song of victory forever.
"Living in past glory is a setback that wastes time."
If you keep dwelling in the past, you might never thing of the future. If you have past failure, keep your mind off it and move on. And if you have gotten some victory, it is not a good idea to dwell on that singular honour because men of great importance break new ground and achieve more results. Those who dwells on their past glory, would always found themselves stock with the changing time. And meeting up with the changing time becomes a problem where energy is wasted trying to figure out the next step to follow. If you keep living in the past, sincerely, that is one option available that can make you die before your time considering all the headache that comes with thinking of your past loses. Again I need to sound this, if you are face with past failures or successes, do not live with them but rather, ignore them and look for new ground to conquer because your ability to change with the changing time is what will ever keep you at the top all the time.
Criticizing, that is a serious option available for the waste of time if it is not constructive. Remember this; people who have no work will always criticize. It is their part time work and if you join them then you will never make anything good out of your time. People will always criticize either good or bad and if you want to succeed, never be distracted by any critics for their part time job is to find fault in others. You should learn never to give ears to hear-say but always make assessment before you take your decision. If you do, then you will never lose but win all the time. Winning should be your ultimate goal when dealing with the issues of life.
"You don’t need to waste time on people with negative attitude to life."
If you come across people who are like parasite, keep off from them because they will never do you any good if you are down, they are never ready to share your pain but rather to sap you and make life miserable for you. You know a miserable life cannot contribute anything good to your health and all that it has to do with you but rather waste your time and draw you backward from actualizing your dream.
Habit counts a lot in the waste of time. If you are too slow that is a bad habit. Too much talking is a bad habit. Indulging in bad habits would only make a messed of your life and perpetually keep you on the low side of life all the time. So to actualize your dream, learn how not to keep bad habits. And to make it work, keep off from bad influence especially peer pressure whose ways of action are never in conformity with the trend that can contribute positively to make your life a better one. If you have a friend that cannot contribute to your life positively, like I said, do away with such friend. Remember you don’t have all the time because all you have is a limited time to fulfill your destiny.
"Your destiny can only be fulfilled through positive thinking and keeping up with the right people and not losers."
Losers feel they have all the time without knowing that we have limited time here to fulfill the purpose to which we were created. If you much know, their thoughts are a setback. It will never make you progress but rather will set you back a thousand time. Remember your time is so valuable and it can only progress when you get along with the right people.
Check your attitude. If it is of bad influence to other, you might be drawing the right people off your way. Do not feel you know it all and wouldn’t need people around you. An attitude problem is a limiting factor and time wasting. If you should know, one thing limiting us from our breakthrough if carefully checked is our attitude but the problem is at times we actually do not seem to know that we have it.
"If you refused to take correction that is an attitude that wastes precious time."
This sincerely, will allow you make one mistake many times and over again. If you learn to take correction, you will succeed no matter the obstacle. Taking corrections eliminate the waste of time and makes you achieve more in less time. Apart from all that I have put down as some of the reasons that calls for waste of time, to every problem, there should be what brings about solutions. For me, one major thing that we should consider as a solution to the waste of time is to have a positive mindset.
"A positive mind is a self-esteem mind that can stand the valley of depression any day, any time and overcome them as there comes."
When you are positive in all you do, you eliminate the power of negative thoughts. And when this is eliminated, you found yourself surrounded with the forces of thoughts that will propel your spirit man to be a goal getter. This in itself gives you a merry heart to withstand every challenge comes your way. If you change your belief that is from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, indirectly, what you have done is to change your life for the better but if you keep to your belief without a total change in life, then you will remain at one spot also the time.
Remaining at one spot is a sure way that wastes time. In all, if you carry the mentality that you were created to be the best; then you will be the best at all time. In other to succeed and eliminate the waste of time, we should cultivate an attitude that draws people around us. When you have people who believe in you, then it is easy to get any task done at the right time.
Here I would say, you shouldn’t try to get everything done by yourself. Get people involved where necessary. Do not be a one man General. Remember time is of essence to get things done and every second counts.
"Time so counts that you don’t need to waste it because every time wasted can never be recovered at it actual state."
In other to manage time, you need to be discipline. Discipline calls for order. If you are unprepared, you lose time. Learn to be prepared in all you do. If you do, you will win and if not, you will lose at all time. Losing makes you look unserious. And talking without putting it into practice is nothing but that which wastes valuable time.
"A million talks without one single action are like building a castle in the air."
Do not be in the habit of talking too much but let your action be seen in the little words your say. Give everyone the reason to believe in your dream. And what will make anyone believe this, is what you have put on ground which is action without delay. This can only be achieved is through discipline. And if you are not discipline, you give in to anything as long as it satisfied your quest at a short time without thinking of the implication at the long run.
Lastly, keep to time and prepare your mind at all time. Walk with the right people and handled your affair with a clear mind. Make time your best friend and learn to plan your day. Do not wake up every day without a definite plan for that day. Cultivate the habit of focusing on whenever your mind is set to do. Do not be distracted by other peoples influence. Be determined in all you do. Keep reinvesting yourself and change with the changing time. Be among the right people with proven records of success in moment of despair. Remember all you have is a limited time to achieve the purpose to which you were created and if you fail, you fail because of ignorance. All that you need to make a success of your life is at your finger tip but you need time and the power of focus to achieve that within the best possible time which incidentally is short.
"Keep faith with time and you will grow beyond your imagination."
[2]. What are You Doing with that Business and What You need to Do to Grow Your Business Beyond Your Imagination
Sweet Sensation Gets New Award! One of the headlines on page 30, Friday, March 30, 2012 of ThisDay Newspaper screamed. I may not have all the space to speak about Sweet Sensation but if you have ever patronized fast food, then you might have come across the name.
What actually got my fancy is the response of the Chief Executive Office, Mrs. KehindeKamson to the award when she described the growth of the Quick Service Restaurant as an example of passion for innovativeness, attention to details and orientation in excellence. She further stated that, “from a Guardhouse in Ilupeju, a suburb of Lagos, Sweet Sensation has grown from nothing to be the leading brand in the Quick Service Restaurant sector of the Nigerian economy with over twenty (20) outlets”. The CEO made this remark when the brand was awarded “Outstanding African Organization of the Year in London”. This award was bestowed on the company by the organizers of the African Achievers Awards.
Smiling! Wow! Passion for innovativeness; attention to details and orientation in excellence! What a thoughtful words that brings about success. Let’s see the lessons we can draw out of this.
A look at the CEO’s acceptance speech collaborates the saying that hardwork pays at the long run. But actually, it is not only hardwork that pays but the component associated with hardwork to borrow her direct words; passion for innovativeness, attention to details and orientation in excellence. These to me are some of the model for business growth. Take a look at Proverbs (22:29) that says, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [men].
If I may ask, how do you handle your business? Do you run your business like a fanfare or like one of those things to be engaged in just to pass time so people wouldn’t say some uncomplimentary stuff against you? If you own or about to set up a business, it is not how you start that matters but what are your dreams and vision for that business. Like they say, the only permanent thing in life is chance. If you set up a business without the vision to drive it to the next level, I personally feel that there was not need to even set it up at first.
"A business that is not nurture at first is as good as dead."
Setting up a business involved a lot of obstacles. Also, you need to always have it in mind that challenges would come but it is your attitude to withstand them with a focus mindset that would guarantee success at the long run. Like the parable of talent in (Matthew 25:14-30). What happened with the man who refuses to trade with his one talent? Didn’t the Master took that talent and also pronounced these words, “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and [then] at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give [it] unto him which hath ten talents.” (Matthew 25:27-28).
No matter how small or little you feel your gifts are, learned to trade them. When you trade what you have, you will always break new ground and make expansion.
"A bountiful harvest begins with a seed."
In every business we have, it is the Lord that has given us the might to establish it. But growing the firm to withstand the test of time is our sole effort. Through the grace of God and our effort, that is where we have to play our part in using our brain.
"Our brains, creates the ideas and the direct vision we need to turn our businesses around day in day out."
We cannot change with the changing time without having a deep understanding of the line of business we seek to engage in. Just like Daniel said in (Daniel 9:2), “In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”
Even Daniel said he understood by books. Now, ask yourself in that business of yours, when last have you engaged your brain in researching about the current trend in the area of your business or when last did you attend a seminar that have to do with growing your business and moving it to the next level in this era of information technology. Need I say, use your brain to grow your business.
"Researching on the current trend of your business gives you the innovativeness in that area of business."
It is at your deep quite moment of research that God will drop the idea needed to turn that business around for good. Through research and following up trends, you will have the foresight to forecast and project how best to deal with every rising storm that might seek to bring that business of yours down. It is not only praying for God to expand the business without you doing anything to expand your horizon as in reading and taking all the necessary action that can bring about a turn around. If you have a business in an area for close to ten years without establishing another elsewhere, then know for sure that you’re at one spot for too long without moving. Sincerely, nothing is as bad as stagnant water. So if you set up a business, always think of expanding it to other areas. Expanding brings you more profit and you know touching life is one joy that can’t be quantified through the services you rendered.
"If you must be innovative, you need to also pay attention to details."
I could feel my heart laughing as I put this word down. If you care to ask what makes me laugh? Then answer this question. From the day you set up your business, is there any proper accounting system set up to monitor the growth of that business? Many small businesses are established without any accounting information. It might shock you if you asked, some of this businesses can’t determine their running cost but could only remember the working capital used in establishing the business. The other day to day expenditure of their businesses is left to the imagination of the mind. This at a long run actually is what contributed to winging up of this business.
"Keeping proper records in your business is what will enable you sustain the business day in day out."
In making our business worth her salt, attention to details shouldn’t be over looked. And customers’ satisfaction shouldn’t be jeopardized on the altar of our selfish excuses. If you bore a customer with excuses or disrespect his feeling with unmerited comments after you might have been given a specification for an item to be purchase, to the best of my knowledge, you might never win that customer back. The right specification is what counts in business. Even when the Lord asked Noah to build an ark, He gave specification, (Genesis 6:14-16), “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this [is the fashion] which thou shalt make it [of:] The length of the ark [shall be] three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; [with] lower, second, and third [stories] shalt thou make it.” It is always good when you can only contribute and let your customer have the final say.
In any business you do, your code of conduct should be to pay attention to details and give the right specification to all your customers as demanded by them. Where the customer can’t make a choice or have that at hand, it is your duty with care to make them see reason and not to make them feel as if their class is not within your reach. We all came from different background; it is coming together and learning from ourselves that can bring us that closeness that is mutual for a win-win situation in both business and life at general and not the other way round.
Actually, some people want to do business with a class of pride. Pride is what brings a down fall in business. When you interact with your customer like you are in their shoe, there you can keep them coming back to you always.
"If you are not ready to take anyone’s insult, then there is no need setting up any business."
Always have it in mind that different customers come with different characters and different attitude problems. It is now left for you to learn how to manage them all with their different attitudes and characters. Doing this is what makes you a good and adorable business owner and not the other way round because at the tail end, profit counts and not showmanship. Now, if your attitude as a business owner makes your customer quit coming around your premises. Remember losing that customer makes you lose others that you might have had through them. Your customer if attended to with all the finesse that makes them want your service more and more, it is a good ground for you because they are the one who will become your mouth piece in telling others about your product and services.
"If you make your customers feel your essence, they will keep coming back to you."
Business has gone dynamic. We should let the spirit of excellence be with us in every task we undertook as business owners. Let that class in your service delivery be seen. They way you carry yourself, the way you attend to customers, let there be a way with you that would always remind your customers of coming back for more.
"Threat everyone with respect even if they seem to hurt your business philosophy."
Use kind words of appreciation even if the customer is rude in his approach and manner. Doing this think would draw many a customer to you and help expand your business to the next level. Business you should understand is all about building relationship and making contact. The right way to keep making it happen and building bridge across is to keep everyone at par and make them feel like a king with the crown; time and time over again and again.
Now ask yourself this, what is the time you open up your business to customers? Do you open when you should or at your will. Do you incorporate time management to your business or just running it the way you feel? Do you recognize the off or peak period? Looking at managing your time will accelerate your business growth. And when your customers can access you as at when due, you will gradually learn that you are matching toward the line of profit maximization. Please do not leave your business to chance. It is the amount of time you put into the business that will bring the chance for opportunity to growth. This is the time to put all aside and give your business the entire necessary boost that will take you beyond your imagination.
"Time management is the best opportunity that will help your business to growth."
Businesses that are run in the 21st century are run with defined standard that meets the specification for innovativeness, attention to details and off course orientation in excellence. Grow your business with the fear of God and with all the right tools at your disposal that is all you need to make it work and keep a living legacy for your yet unborn generation.
In you conduct your business, give in your ears to the chancing trend. And be ready to network with people around your line of business. Also to grow your business, make sure that the right staffs are employed. Do not give in to sentiment. Make the welfare of your staffs a priority. And of course let there be training and retraining of your work force. Lastly, keep a smiling face; it is an essential commodity that will win you more clients.
"When you are dynamic in all that you do, you will always find the right people that want to be associated with you."
[3]. How to Activate the 3D Principles to Achieve Your Dreams in Life
"I came to London to become a legend and now I am a Legend." – Usian Bolt
A bold statement from a man with a brave heart! This is not just a mare statement but a statement mixed with what I called the “3D Principles” (Discipline, Determination and Dedication) to produce results. The London 2012 Olympic had come and gone but the memory of the spring king whose 9.58-second 100m race is considered the fastest in the history will ever lingered on the mind of those who saw it coming. Speaking about Bolt, one will realized that he did not just drop from the moon to become a reference point in the field of track but I would say, he applied the 3D Principles to get to the height we all have come to admire once he does the “Lighting bolt” sign after winning every race.
My main focus on this article is not to bore you but to draw out a simple fact about life which we missed while chasing our dreams. Nothing takes a man to the top like the passion for his dream. And speaking about passion, the desire to achieve it, is the spring board to which the dream in our hearts are propelled to its accomplishment if given the right focus in the platform of what I considered to be the 3D Principles. A study of men who had ever achieved their dreams, one would realized the recurrent decimals in their travail to make their dreams a reality.
The power of discipline, determination and above all dedication has always played that important role in every phase of achieving ones dream and purpose in life. Every other Principle, if carefully looked at, has their laws embedded in what I considered to be the 3D Principles. If we speak about the positive forces to achieving our dreams like; staying focus, taking action, building a positive self image, moving around with the right people, having a mentor, recognizing time management, etc or the negative forces like; procrastination, depression, low self esteem, not believing in oneself, lack of seriousness etc, we would realized that all are enclosed within the 3D Principles.
Discipline! No man achieves anything in life without discipline. If actually we seek to achieve our goal in life, then we should learn to be discipline and tailored ourselves towards achieving that purpose. Actually men would always dream but working towards making that dream a reality is always a problem. I have seen men with great potentials and ideas but lacking in the strong will to make their dream come true. And making any dream come true has to do with discipline. Trying to define the word discipline I would say could make us break the dictionary in search of it. To me, discipline is discipline and no short cut to it. If you are discipline, you will excel in your chosen field but if not, you will remain where you are for as long as you lack discipline. In other to be focus, you need discipline. It is what will take you far and guide you to your desired destination which is to achieve your goal and purpose in life.
Time management is another essential outlook of discipline. The time to build our dreams is not a negotiable time to play around and engaged in what will bring us no profit at the end. It might look tough at the start but that is what it takes to achieve our dream and purpose in life. Always have at the back of your mind that we wouldn’t be here forever and every little time we have, counts a lot. Do not be lazy with time or always procrastinate about moving up with your dream. The moment you dream it, then it is time to start working towards achieving it and all you need to make that a reality is to discipline yourself no matter the challenges that might make you want to give up.
"Dreams can only be achieved if we discipline ourselves and workhard with the sole aim to achieve it."
If we take a look at this, the ability to plan and achieve our strategy is embedded in discipline. Discipline, gives us the heart to plan and to stay focus on our plan. Life actually teaches us to plan. In the place of planning, discipline, plays an important role. It is the discipline we give to our plan, that we can withstand the pressure that comes along every steps we take to make our dream a reality. Planning enables you overcome so many challenges. It makes you determine your income and expenditure. It is what also contributes in making your dream a reality.
If your aim is to make a success out of your life, you need to plan in every steps of your endeavour. Even in a battle, it is him who plan ahead that victory is ensure. So in all you do, plan ahead and never walk with a blind state of mind feeling that all is well.
"All is actually well when you learn to plan ahead."
Determination! David was determined and that was why he could stand up to Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1-58). Determination comes with the braveness of heart that likes taking risk. Risk, is what brings us gain. Remember the saying, “No risk, no gain”. Anyone with a brave heart of taking calculated risk can make a success out of anything. If you take a look at successful men, you will realize the risk element in their entire endeavour.
"Risk is what brings us profit and to get to that point, determination is a sure word that guides the process."
You might have all the ideas and potential, but if you are not determined, you can never achieve your aim. You might have heard people say, “I must succeed”. The moment they are determined and puts that word into action, sincerely, it comes to be. Nothing is as powerful as spoken word backed by determination and action.
In the Book of Genesis (1:1-29), it was the spoken words from God that all that is to be, came to be. These words were not just spoken; there were backed up with immediate action. Looking at this, we can employ same in all that we seek to become. The moment we discover our potentials and what we have passion for, it is left for us to keep speaking it and backing them up with the determination to take action. If we keep to it, then we can become it no matter the obstacle that comes our way. Remember nothing makes a man so confident of himself like determination. If you are determined, you win, but if not, you lose. So be determined to win and keep winning all the way.
"Winning in life is a function of self determination."
Dedication! I like what the Bible said in Proverbs (22:29), “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [men]. Here, the word diligent has to do with commitment and discipline. It is in the place of discipline; one will find his destiny and fulfilled his dream and purpose. Joseph is a good example of a man who has the power of discipline in him. It was through discipline that he achieved his dream when every temptation within him to have yielded to his master’s wife played itself down (Gen. 39:7-18).
"Though discipline might deny us living a life of permanent or temporary pleasure, but the end justifies the means."
It is the end that tells a man’s story and not the beginning. It is good to discipline ourselves if our aim in life is to achieve our goal. The 3D principles we could see clearly has to do with preparation, persistence, giving oneself to the course you believes which would bring you the desire fulfillment of your desired dream.
Dedication to your dream will always bring an unspeakable joy to the body and soul if you keep to it. If you can show me a man who is dedicated to his duty, then, I would show you a man who will succeed without much struggle. Nothing brings a man to his desire place of fulfilled like dedication. In other to find the fulfillment of purpose, you need to be dedicated to what you do. Do not make your dream a one leg in and one leg out affair. It is not the best and would never be. Dedication is all you need to make life worth living.
"The more you are dedicated, the more you will discover the loop holes and gain the desire experience which is priceless and a panacea to help propel you to success and achieving your dream."
Lastly, let me leave you with this post I found on my Facebook page from FasteCash. “Thomas Edison had a dream, he gave us light bulb, Wright Brothers had a dream, they gave us airplane, Henry Ford had a dream, he gave us automobile, Bill Gate had a dream, he gave us Window Operating System, Mark Zuckerberg had a dream, he gave us facebook. What is your dream? Don’t lose focus of it, be persistent and the world will soon celebrate you.”
You will make it if you stay disciplined, determined and dedicated no matter the test of time. Just have the faith in your ability with the grace of God backing you, you will succeed.
Whatever you want out of life, if you stay within the three core principles as stated, you can win any race no matter the obstacle. Focus on your dream and apply yourself to these principles. This is what the successful people we admired are using to build up their life and investment. There is no magic to it, put your life to work and take action. You will get there I believe. A toast to your success!
"Determination, discipline, dedication and the grace of God is all you need to make your life a success."