Short Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister

I am so thankful to God our Creator for giving to us a dear and lovely sister like you. Each time I see you smile, my heart is gladden with deep appreciation for all the good times we share. You are a source of encouragement us all. I thank God for your life and pray that as you celebrate you special day; may the grace and mercies of God be your everlasting portion forever. Have the best of ALL as you celebrate your birthday.

Sister Birthday Messages
Dear Sister, you are always the one I look up to. You shown us true love and carry us along in all you do. You were not afraid to share with us your moment of joy and that of tears. We celebrate you for your boldness and always telling us the truth no matter the circumstances...

Short Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister

My dear Sister, I hope you remember all our childhood memories, the good time and that of the bad time we shared together? As you celebrate your special day, here I am wishing you many more wonderful memories which are yet to come. Indeed, you are the greatest Sister in the whole wide world. Happy birthday my sweetest sister.

My dear Sister, I hope you remember all our childhood memories, the good time and that of the bad time we shared together? As you celebrate your special day, here I am wishing you many more wonderful memories which are yet to come. Indeed, you are the greatest Sister in the whole wide world. Happy birthday my sweetest sister.

Sister, you are always the one who helped me a lot. You guided me and never given up on me when I seem to do things that are not pleasant to you. Now you build in me the confident to face many challenges of life. Thank you for being a true sister to me and all of us. Happy birthday dear.

I am so proud when I call you my sister. And always I feel this special honour to still call you my sister on this special day of your life. Forever you are my sister for life.

I know you are growing older day by day and year after year, but that to me is a blessing I cherish. My cute baby sister, I will always love you just the way you are, nice, considerate and generous to a fault. Have the best of today and always. A very have Happy Birthday to you my dearest sister.

I am so thankful to God our Creator for giving to us a dear and lovely sister like you. Each time I see you smile, my heart is gladden with deep appreciation for all the good times we share. You are a source of encouragement us all. I thank God for your life and pray that as you celebrate you special day; may the grace and mercies of God be your everlasting portion forever. Have the best of ALL as you celebrate your birthday.

I sincerely want to thank you my dear sister for being so lovely, so caring and so wonderful. You are the best sister in the world anyone should be so proud of. Thank you so much for understanding me when others seem not to. I love you my dear sister and I celebrate you today and always. I wish you the best birthday of your life today and always.

Dear Sister, you are always the one I look up to. You shown us true love and carry us along in all you do. You were not afraid to share with us your moment of joy and that of tears. We celebrate you for your boldness and always telling us the truth no matter the circumstances. You are indeed our great leader who gives it all to make us a happy person. We love today and always. Have a wonderful birthday celebration and lots of love from us your siblings.




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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Short Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister
Short Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister
I am so thankful to God our Creator for giving to us a dear and lovely sister like you. Each time I see you smile, my heart is gladden with deep appreciation for all the good times we share. You are a source of encouragement us all. I thank God for your life and pray that as you celebrate you special day; may the grace and mercies of God be your everlasting portion forever. Have the best of ALL as you celebrate your birthday.
Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!
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