Be an enabler and a positive force that would always be of help to other to achieve their destination in your own little way. These positive quotes and life quotes are words of encouragement to help you and others achieve your aims in life. Inspirational Quotes Dreams, Quotes About Dreams And Goals, Dream Quotes, Motivational Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes Of The Day, Success Quotes, Super Motivational Quotes, Motivational Quotes For Students
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Positive Life Quotes And Motivations About Achieving Your Dream And Purpose In Life
When you are a blessing, there is no how blessing wouldn’t follow you.
Encourage not only yourself but others with these motivational positive words that would go a long way in helping anyone strive to be the best in every areas of life.
Positive Quotes
When you form the habit of becoming positive in your choice of words and actions you undertakes, you will always have the rightful kind of result.
Remember There Is Always An End To Everything In Life
[1]. Remember that as a living being, you are like a plant that one day shall wither way. If you have a consciousness of this, then you should within your strength, make everyday count.
[2]. What you have in you should not be delayed in bringing it to manifestation. You need to move with the moving time and always try to be on top.
[3]. Your dream is your power to make your world become a reality. If you delay, you might never fulfill that dream of yours.
[4]. You should wake up early and never delay, move with time and have it in mind to affect your generation on time before it becomes too late.
[5]. Your life is for a purpose; make it count right on time before it withers away.
Your Life Is A Function Of What Your Believe
[6]. When you have faith in your ability to make your seed become productive, the Lord will surprise you with unlimited possibilities.
[7]. The reason the Lord gives you a seed is for the fulfillment of a purpose. Do not let your seed die inside of you. You have all it takes to bring your seed to fulfillment of your purpose.
[8]. All you need is to have faith and believe in the promises of God who created you.
[9]. Though things might not be as you think at some point but all things forever would work for your good if you believe.
[10]. Believe that you have a God who has a purpose for your life and when you believe He will make a way and bring His purpose for your life to it manifestation.
We Are A Perfection Creation Of God Almighty
[11]. We as human being are the product of God’s creation. And this creation of us is for a definite purpose.
[12]. We on our own should not live like we have no calling for our life. The life we live is not our own but that which belongs to our God.
[13]. We should daily reference Him in all we do and not ascribed any glory to ourselves. If the strength was not given to us by God, we would be nothing.
[14]. The moment you reference God, He makes a way for you even in difficult times. There is nothing we can do to deny His existence because we are not the one who created ourselves.
[15]. It takes nothing to reference God as long as you have the consciousness that you are not the owner of your life. When you reference God for sure this is what will do us good rather than harm.
[16]. Let your spirit, body and soul glorify your Creator for in it your will always have a good reward.
Life Quotes
Though life might not give to you all that you desire from it, but in all, you have to make use of what you have to achieve what you want.
Your Should Be a Blessing To Your Generation
[17]. The product that is you is a product that should be a blessing to your generation.
[18]. When you live and behave in a way that has no rewarding value for your life, you make a mockery of your creation.
[19]. You have the authority and mandate that was given to you by God right from the day before you become a living being to take your life into your own hand and make a meaning out of the person that is you.
[20]. In everything you do, know that it is you that has the Will power to change your life.
[21]. Whatsoever you will become is a product of your deep desire to be that person that you always want to be.
[22]. Even though God has a purpose for your life, if you are not in tune with His calling for your life, you may live never to discover that purpose.
[23]. All you need is to always ask for His grace and purpose for your life. When that is revealed to you, you will live in it and never struggles to accomplish it rather than when you seek to live on your own.
[24]. At all time, always ask for God’s Will concerning your life. When you have His Will, you will forever live at ease to fulfill His purpose for your life.
Your Need To Thirst For Knowledge To Make It Powerful
[25]. Though knowledge is power but you actually need to thirst for it. And though everything in life seems to be pleasant but you need to discipline yourself to accept that which is good for your life.
[26]. Do not let people talk you into doing that which will bring a curse upon your life. It is not everything that looks good that is actually good.
[27]. Life is full of people with deceit characters and in dealing with them; you need to guide your heart with all diligence's and never to allow greed sets into your heart.
[28]. The reason some become culprits in any matter is all because of their inborn desire for greed.
[29]. Be careful of people with cunning and subtle characters for they have a way of making you go against your will.
[30]. Let your heart at all times be guided with the truth. When you have your instinct intact to stand your ground against any evil at anytime, you will have a right standing with God and such is also what will help you protect your life against any evil that might seek to consume your life.