Barack Obama’s Heart Touching Motivational Tribute and Condolence Messages for John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin

Obama is indeed a phenomenal person. His words of motivation are something that melts the heart. These Barack Obama’s motivational quotes on John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin is something that would really touch your heart. Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On John McCain, Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On Kofi Annan, Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On Aretha Franklin, Barack Obama Quotes On Love, Obama Quotes Funny, Michelle Obama Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Change Will Not Come If We Wait, Barack Obama Education, Barack Obama Biography, Obama Quotes On Diversity

Obama is indeed a phenomenal person. His words of motivation are something that melts the heart. These Barack Obama’s motivational quotes on John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin is something that would really touch your heart.

Though these great personalities are no more with us but their insightful and impactful life are something that would always stand the test of time.

We celebrate their courage to bring a change in the world we live.

Barack Obama’s Heart Touching Motivational Tribute and Condolence Messages for John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin

Image Source: Facebook/Barack Obama
Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes on John McCain

John McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of politics. But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed. We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this country as a place where anything is possible – and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.

Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heartfelt condolences to Cindy and their family.

Image Source: Facebook/Barack Obama
Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes on Kofi Annan 

Kofi Annan was a diplomat and humanitarian who embodied the mission of the United Nations like few others. His integrity, persistence, optimism, and sense of our common humanity always informed his outreach to the community of nations. Long after he had broken barriers, Kofi never stopped his pursuit of a better world, and made time to motivate and inspire the next generation of leaders. Michelle and I offer our condolences to his family and many loved ones.

Image Source: Facebook/Barack Obama
Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes on Aretha Franklin 

America has no royalty. But we do have a chance to earn something more enduring. Born in Memphis and raised in Detroit, Aretha Franklin grew up performing gospel songs in her father’s congregation. For more than six decades since, every time she sang, we were all graced with a glimpse of the divine. Through her compositions and unmatched musicianship, Aretha helped define the American experience. In her voice, we could feel our history, all of it and in every shade—our power and our pain, our darkness and our light, our quest for redemption and our hard-won respect. She helped us feel more connected to each other, more hopeful, more human. And sometimes she helped us just forget about everything else and dance.

Aretha may have passed on to a better place, but the gift of her music remains to inspire us all. May the Queen of Soul rest in eternal peace. Michelle and I send our prayers and warmest sympathies to her family and all those moved by her song.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Barack Obama’s Heart Touching Motivational Tribute and Condolence Messages for John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin
Barack Obama’s Heart Touching Motivational Tribute and Condolence Messages for John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin
Obama is indeed a phenomenal person. His words of motivation are something that melts the heart. These Barack Obama’s motivational quotes on John McCain, Kofi Annan and Aretha Franklin is something that would really touch your heart. Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On John McCain, Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On Kofi Annan, Barack Obama’s Motivational Quotes On Aretha Franklin, Barack Obama Quotes On Love, Obama Quotes Funny, Michelle Obama Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Change Will Not Come If We Wait, Barack Obama Education, Barack Obama Biography, Obama Quotes On Diversity
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