The Connection between a Man, the Women and their Emotions

Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, How To Connect With A Man On An Emotional Level, How To Create An Emotional Bond With A Man, Signs Of An Emotional Connection, Men's Emotions In Relationships, How To Make A Man Feel Good Emotionally, Emotional Connection With A Woman, How To Get A Man Emotionally Attracted, Signs Of An Emotional Connection, How To Make A Man Feel Good Emotionally, How To Build An Emotional Connection With A Woman, What Triggers Emotional Attraction In A Man, How To Build Emotional Intimacy With A Man, How To Build Attraction And Connection With A Man, How To Make A Man Feel Safe, How To Emotionally Support A Man, Signs Of A Love Connection, Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, Deep Emotional Connection With Someone, Emotional Connection With A Woman, How To Build Emotional Connection, Signs He's Getting Attached, Physical Connection, Deep Connection Relationship, Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, Emotional Connection With A Woman, Signs Of A Love Connection, Signs Of Emotional Attraction, Emotional Connection Vs Physical Attraction, How To Build Emotional Connection, Signs He's Getting Attached, Emotional Attraction Without Physical Attraction

Sex is something I would rather want those who are married to discuss and enjoy the sensual bliss that comes with it...

The Connection between a Man, the Women and their Emotions

Sex is something I would rather want those who are married to discuss and enjoy the sensual bliss that comes with it. Sex goes beyond the physical body connection. It is something that brings joy and can reunite couple after a long heated argument.

The way a woman’s thought goes about sex is so different about how a man looks at it. Though for long I have tried figuring out the connection of both the men and the women towards how they view their thoughts and emotions when it comes to the issue of sex; then I found this article.

“A man can cheat on his woman and still love her but a woman cannot cheat on her man and still love him. I say this because while men do not have sex with emotions, women can't have sex without attaching emotions to it. This is the reason men simply need a place to have sex while women needs a reason to have sex.

Most women who take their husbands to court for divorce are those that cheat on their men. A non-cheating woman would most likely never take her husband to court for divorce, unless the man exceedingly abuses her physically and emotionally to the point of killing her.

Men don't equate sex with love. A man can have sex with another woman but still doesn't love her. That's why women who fell in love with married men find it difficult to find happiness in those relationships as they are just being used by those married men. But once a married woman starts sleeping with you, she can even narrates some hidden secretes concerning her husband and she will even tell you why she hates him (her husband). She can even accept poison from you to eliminate her husband.

For men, sex and love are two different things. But for women, sex and love are one and the same things. For men, sex comes first before love (infatuation), but for women love comes first before sex (true love). Therefore, once your woman starts having sex with another man/men, her love shifts from you to that man and she can even start giving that man the best food and love than she gives you.

The fact that your man is cheating on you doesn't mean he has stopped loving you. But I can't say the same for women. Once a woman starts cheating on you, she has fallen for someone else and you people will never live the same again. And she can even kill her husband once she starts cheating on him.

If your wife starts cheating, you should be a lucky man not to die in less than 10 years. It has been found that 95% of women who cheat wish their husbands dead. That is the main reason why it is dangerous for a man to continue staying with a wife who cheats on him. That is why is now encouraged everywhere in the world including in the Bible, for a man to divorce his wife only once she starts cheating on him.

Cheating women are more deadly to husbands than ordinarily criminals or weapons. There are many cheating women in the world who invite criminals to break into her house at night only to come and eliminate her man and police officers plus relatives can't detect this as the same woman tend to moan more than any person at the funeral so as to attract sympathy and hide her evil acts.

That's why psychologists discourage women, more than men, from cheating.

Women can't handle the emotional conflict that comes with cheating.

That's the reason an observant and intelligent man will notice that his wife has started cheating on him once he starts doing it because most women tend to lose respect to their husbands and try to avoid sex with them in most times.

Cheating Women will even be giving excuses for not wanting to have sex with their husbands. Study has revealed that nearly 90% of women who cheat find it hard to have enjoyable sex with their husbands; again an intelligent man will detect this once his wife's behavior with regard to sex start changing. But a dull man can never detect this and always tolerate fake excuses from his cheating wife until he is completely eliminated.

Study has shown that every relationship begins to flounder once a woman starts cheating. There are many men who cheat on their partners but still show them true love. But it is very hard to find a relationship in which a woman is cheating and things still remain the same.

I repeat, nearly 100% of cheating women wish their husbands quick death or divorce to have unlimited sex freedom while nearly 100% of cheating men can't wish their wives quick death or divorce. That is why most men can’t allow their wives to be physically or verbally abused by their girlfriends. Men will always stand for their wives.

A man would cheat but still love and respect his wife, but the opposite is true with cheating women.

Once your wife starts sleeping with other men/man, just know that your death is near.”

To all is this argument True or False?

For me I believe in one man, one wife. Men I believe should learn to love their wife and accommodate them inspite of what the challenges of building home could bring.

When you love without restriction, you will always have the best of home you will always desire to come back to. Women are emotional and so caring to be with. It all has to do with your understanding their emotion and treating them right to get the best kind of love out of them.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: The Connection between a Man, the Women and their Emotions
The Connection between a Man, the Women and their Emotions
Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, How To Connect With A Man On An Emotional Level, How To Create An Emotional Bond With A Man, Signs Of An Emotional Connection, Men's Emotions In Relationships, How To Make A Man Feel Good Emotionally, Emotional Connection With A Woman, How To Get A Man Emotionally Attracted, Signs Of An Emotional Connection, How To Make A Man Feel Good Emotionally, How To Build An Emotional Connection With A Woman, What Triggers Emotional Attraction In A Man, How To Build Emotional Intimacy With A Man, How To Build Attraction And Connection With A Man, How To Make A Man Feel Safe, How To Emotionally Support A Man, Signs Of A Love Connection, Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, Deep Emotional Connection With Someone, Emotional Connection With A Woman, How To Build Emotional Connection, Signs He's Getting Attached, Physical Connection, Deep Connection Relationship, Deep Emotional Connection With A Man, Emotional Connection With A Woman, Signs Of A Love Connection, Signs Of Emotional Attraction, Emotional Connection Vs Physical Attraction, How To Build Emotional Connection, Signs He's Getting Attached, Emotional Attraction Without Physical Attraction
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