Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life

Success in life is all about you getting to motivate yourself against all odds. There shall always be moment of trials and temptations but all you need is to believe in yourself and put in the work. If you are down but not out, just let these Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life be a part that would encourage you to succeed against every obstacle that comes your way. Inspirational Quotes About Life, Famous Success Quotes, Short Success Quotes, Short Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes For Work, Success Quotes And Sayings, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Struggles, Success Quotes For Students, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Struggles, Short Inspirational Quotes, Quotes About Life And Love, Beautiful Quotes On Life, Top Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes For Work, True Life Quotes Sayings, Quotes About Life And Love, My Life Quotes, Life Quotes Sayings, Top Quotes About Life, Beautiful Quotes On Love, Beautiful Inspirational Quotes, Sweet Life Quotes, Cute Life Quotes

Success in life is all about you getting to motivate yourself against all odds. There shall always be moment of trials and temptations but all you need is to believe in yourself and put in the work. If you are down but not out, just let these Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life be a part that would encourage you to succeed against every obstacle that comes your way.

 [1]. Between You And Your Destiny: The Road Map You Need To Take To Arrive At Your Destination In Life

“Never let anyone determine your destination in life. Take hold of your destiny. If one directs you, you might never get to your destination.”

Everyone created on this earth is for a purpose to fulfill destiny. And in fulfilling your destiny, you have to cross so many roads and rivers. The journey that began this road that we would undertake in life is from the moment we are born. Our birth should be of a significant value to us because it is an indication that there is a measure of greatest deposited inside of us that sincerely longs for the full manifestation of our destiny at it appointed time.

The progress of this greatness deposited inside of us is what needs to be guided as it would always manifest itself as we begin to grow. Sometimes, those around us might not be aware of it in other to guide us in the right direction. But the moment you begin to understand that person that is you then it is of essence that you begin to make the necessary projection that will enable you to guide yourself towards the actualization of your destiny. 

If you would still have this at the back of your mind then remember that no one holds the key to your destiny except you. What anyone can do is either to guide or motivate you through the process; that is if such a person has the genuine love, interest and the needed intention for you to grow. Even if anyone guides or motivates you through the process; it is your sole responsibility to make it a reality so as to fulfill your desired destiny in life.

In fulfilling your destiny, all you need to make that happen, is through the grace of God and also to believe in yourself no matter the challenges that might come your way. Challenges will surely come but it is the faith you have in God that will see you through all the challenges that might arise.

Challenges actually is not to weaken you but it is a process that would occur in which you should make use of it as a stepping stone towards fulfilling your destiny. Do not see challenges as that which should break you but rather that which you should withstand with a brave heart in other to have your victory.

When you give in to challenges, such will surely break you and make you lose focus in that which would profit you towards bringing about the fulfillment of your destiny. If you must fulfill your destiny, then do not give in to fear. Fear will make you lose balance and surely will not let you concentrate in whatsoever you set out to do. When you learn to defeat fear by constantly believing in yourself that there is no impossibility in achieving your dreams then you will find in it the courage to dare the impossible.

The moment you dare the impossible, there you can take any risk that would become rewarding to bring your desired dream to the actualization of your destiny. Brave up and face challenges so you could become victorious in all that you set out to achieve which will ever be a rewarding breakthrough in fulfilling your destiny.

[2]. How To Let Your Light So Shine That Men Would See And What To Identify With You

“One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.” – Chinua Achebe

Actually, I do not want to dwell on the life of a man who has given to us and the yet unborn generation what to ponder about for the rest of our life if ever we come across the collections of his literary works. At 82, Chinua Achebe is gone, gone with a mark that lives on the sand of time.

At that age, should he be mourned or celebrated? Many would call for either ways depending on how you look at it. But actually I would say celebration for he lives a life of fulfillment and had live something for us to celebrate about.

“Life is a journey, a journey that would bring us to an end. Our end it is, we should determine from our very beginning.”

Like they say, it is not how long you live that matter but how well it is. And how many life you have impacted positively. Another is for you to fulfill the purpose to which you were created for. Life is all about fulfillment of purpose and we all are created to fulfill our God given purpose here on earth. In other to fulfill that purpose, it is our sole responsibility to discover that purpose. Sometimes, people might help us discover our purpose but it is our duty to nurture it to its fulfillment. It is paramount to note that living a life without fulfilling purpose is like living without existing.

“Everyone can live but not all exist.”

To exist means to embody the process of living in other to fulfill purpose. Sincerely, existing gives us the drive to strive with passion within us with the sole aim to fulfill our God given purpose. This we would discover through what we have passion for. What you have passion for, is what gives you the needed drive to make that a reality. Achebe got a scholarship to study Medicine, but his passion for creative writing, made him change to the Art. And at a youthful age he gave us the most literally translated novel in the world from an African writer – Things Fall Apart. 

God’s given purpose for man like He said in the book of Genesis was to subdue the earth. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis [1:27 KJV].

We were to actualize our dream on earth before our time. In all men, God has given us the potential to make our purpose a fulfillment. Now it is our sole responsibility to achieve that purpose and make it to come to fulfillment. If we fail, we have not only failed our Maker but ourselves too. And when you fail, you can never be happy with all that is around you.

There is a big need to strive in all that is within us to make our dream come true. We shouldn’t live as if we have all the time in the world to achieve that which is our given purpose.

“Strive within you with all you have got to make your dream a reality.”

We should realize that the earth we are in is like a market place that we have only come to trade and when the night comes, we should be ready even if we are not prepared to go back home.

Every man was created for a purpose and as we live, we should endeavour to always put this at the back of our mind to live a valuable treasure that will positively affects other people lives on the sand of time.

Great men think of what to discover and give to their yet unborn generation to benefit from and not living like they have all the time at hand. For us to fulfill purpose, we should think of using our God given talents to benefit the human race.

“It is when you fulfilled purpose that is when you would be valued.”

There is no great or little talent; we all have ours in the little measure we can accommodate. And using it to achieve greatness no matter how little we feel about it should be our uttermost desire.

“No matter how little you felt you are, never despised the gift within you.”  

Whatsoever you find your hand to do, do it well and be exceptional at it. It is through this, that you would be noted for and in there would your greatness arise. We should let our light so shine because at the first instant, our creation was for us to showcase our given talent which is a free gift from our Creator.

If we discover our talent and make it shine, then our reward would be a joy not only to us but to all and our Maker who admonished us in Matthew [5:16], “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.     

[3]. How the Word of God Would Teach Us His Ways and Made Our Life worth Living

Man on its own has fallen but the grace of God is what makes man to still feel the love of God. Tenderness is the love of God that it accepts any man who recognizes His grace.

“The ways of the Lord is not the ways of man. We can only be guided by His ways to make our life His likeness.”

Except we are taught by His ways, we would only walk in our own ways. Our ways is never a guaranteed route to the right paths but rather, that which seem to lead us to destruction. For us to walk in His ways, we need to come before Him with our bareness and asked with a heart full of supplication. We need to ask that our thoughts be guided in His word for out of them shall our days be made fat. The word of God is real. It is all we need to make our lives real.

When we asked, all we get is wisdom and understanding which is what we need to teach us the ways to walk with the Lord and have a better understanding to deal with the issues of life.

“Issues of life surely come in difference ways. It is for us to stand by the sure words that will teach us to have a teachable heart.”

This will enable us to meditate and keep His words within the bosom of our heart which is what will make our days a blessing for others to emulate. Learn to accept the reality of life. No matter the strength of a man, he needs the grace of His Maker to make his life worth living. If you ignore the grace of God in your life, be ready to live in disgrace. This is not rocket science; it is only the fool that says there is not God. Believe in Him and you will live in peace.

When His words, teaches us with a heart of humility, it will make our words to be seasoned with pleasant ointment which shall draw men unto Him. Our purpose is to draw men unto him and the only way to draw inspiration to accomplish this is to keep within us the meditation of His words. His words that come to us should be an everyday portion that teaches us His wise counsels for this we need to live a better life for all. When the word teaches us to understand the deep things of life, it will give us the mind to utter fair judgment and never to twist the right in place of wrong.

“It is when men lack the word that is when they become victims of their own doing.”

We all need to be taught of His ways if actually we want to make our way right. To make our ways right, we need the counsel embedded in His words.

“The word is our guide to daily living. It helps us to live right and we can only live right if we walk by His ways which is in the word.”

Teach us your words that it will teach us your ways. Let the guidance of the Holy Spirit dwells in us. If we have the words, we have you and when the Holy Spirit teaches us, there, we will forever be closer to you than we ever expected. The word of the Lord is light, a guiding light to our soul. Let us seek His words within out life; that we might live to glorify His name.




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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life
Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life
Success in life is all about you getting to motivate yourself against all odds. There shall always be moment of trials and temptations but all you need is to believe in yourself and put in the work. If you are down but not out, just let these Best Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings for Success in Life be a part that would encourage you to succeed against every obstacle that comes your way. Inspirational Quotes About Life, Famous Success Quotes, Short Success Quotes, Short Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes For Work, Success Quotes And Sayings, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Struggles, Success Quotes For Students, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Struggles, Short Inspirational Quotes, Quotes About Life And Love, Beautiful Quotes On Life, Top Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes For Work, True Life Quotes Sayings, Quotes About Life And Love, My Life Quotes, Life Quotes Sayings, Top Quotes About Life, Beautiful Quotes On Love, Beautiful Inspirational Quotes, Sweet Life Quotes, Cute Life Quotes
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