
2 Ways You Can Use What Are You Doing With That Business? And What Are You Importing Or Exporting? To Become Irresistible To Customers

Setting up a business involved a lot of obstacles. Also, you need to always have it in mind that challenges would come but it is your attitude to withstand them with a focus mindset that would guarantee success at the long run. Like the parable of talent in (Matthew 25:14-30). What happened with the man who refuses to trade with his one talent? Didn’t the Master took that talent and also pronounced these words, “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and [then] at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give [it] unto him which hath ten talents.” (Matthew 25:27-28). International Business Environment Pdf, Types Of International Business Environment, Theodore Levitt Globalization, International Business Environment Pdf Free Download, International Business Environment Ppt, Factors Affecting International Business Environment, Theodore Levitt Marketing Myopia, Nature Of International Business Environment, How To Grow Your Small Business With Marketing, Creative Ways To Market Your Business, How To Grow Business Tips, How To Satisfy Customers In Business, Different Ways To Ask A Question, How To Grow A Small Business Into A Large Business, How To Grow A Small Business Tips, How To Make Customers Feel Special, How To Find Clients For Import Export Business, How To Find Buyers For Export Products, Import Export Online Marketing, Export Business For Beginners, Export Clients, How To Find Foreign Buyers For Your Export Products, How To Start An Import Export Business From Home, Export Buyers List

Messages of Motivations
Sweet Sensation Gets New Award! One of the headlines on page 30, Friday, March 30, 2012 of ThisDay Newspaper screamed. I may not have all the space to speak about Sweet Sensation but if you have ever patronized fast food, then you might have come across the name...

2 Ways You Can Use What Are You Doing With That Business? And What Are You Importing Or Exporting? To Become Irresistible To Customers

[1]. What Are You Doing With That Business?

Sweet Sensation Gets New Award! One of the headlines on page 30, Friday, March 30, 2012 of ThisDay Newspaper screamed. I may not have all the space to speak about Sweet Sensation but if you have ever patronized fast food, then you might have come across the name.

What actually got my fancy is the response of the Chief Executive Office, Mrs. Kehinde Kamson to the award when she described the growth of the Quick Service Restaurant as an example of passion for innovativeness, attention to details and orientation in excellence. She further stated that, “from a Guardhouse in Ilupeju, a suburb of Lagos, Sweet Sensation has grown from nothing to be the leading brand in the Quick Service Restaurant sector of the Nigerian economy with over twenty (20) outlets”. The CEO made this remark when the brand was awarded “Outstanding African Organization of the Year in London”. This award was bestowed on the company by the organizers of the African Achievers Awards.

Smiling! Wow! Passion for innovativeness; attention to details and orientation in excellence! What a thoughtful words that brings about success. Let’s see the lessons we can draw out of this.

A look at the CEO’s acceptance speech collaborates the saying that hardwork pays at the long run. But actually, it is not only hardwork that pays but the component associated with hardwork to borrow her direct words; passion for innovativeness, attention to details and orientation in excellence. These to me are some of the model for business growth. Take a look at Proverbs (22:29) that says, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [men].

If I may ask, how do you handle your business? Do you run your business like a fanfare or like one of those things to be engaged in just to pass time so people wouldn’t say some uncomplimentary stuff against you? If you own or about to set up a business, it is not how you start that matters but what are your dreams and vision for that business. Like they say, the only permanent thing in life is chance. If you set up a business without the vision to drive it to the next level, I personally feel that there was not need to even set it up at first.

A business that is not nurture at first is as good as dead. 

Setting up a business involved a lot of obstacles. Also, you need to always have it in mind that challenges would come but it is your attitude to withstand them with a focus mindset that would guarantee success at the long run. Like the parable of talent in (Matthew 25:14-30). What happened with the man who refuses to trade with his one talent? Didn’t the Master took that talent and also pronounced these words, “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and [then] at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give [it] unto him which hath ten talents.” (Matthew 25:27-28).

No matter how small or little you feel your gifts are, learned to trade them. When you trade what you have, you will always break new ground and make expansion.

A bountiful harvest begins with a seed. 

In every business we have, it is the Lord that has given us the might to establish it. But growing the firm to withstand the test of time is our sole effort. Through the grace of God and our effort, that is where we have to play our part in using our brain.

Our brains, creates the ideas and the direct vision we need to turn our businesses around day in day out.

We cannot change with the changing time without having a deep understanding of the line of business we seek to engage in. Just like Daniel said in (Daniel 9:2), “In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”

Even Daniel said he understood by books. Now, ask yourself in that business of yours, when last have you engaged your brain in researching about the current trend in the area of your business or when last did you attend a seminar that have to do with growing your business and moving it to the next level in this era of information technology. Need I say, use your brain to grow your business.

Researching on the current trend of your business gives you the innovativeness in that area of business. 

It is at your deep quite moment of research that God will drop the idea needed to turn that business around for good. Through research and following up trends, you will have the foresight to forecast and project how best to deal with every rising storm that might seek to bring that business of yours down. It is not only praying for God to expand the business without you doing anything to expand your horizon as in reading and taking all the necessary action that can bring about a turn around. If you have a business in an area for close to ten years without establishing another elsewhere, then know for sure that you’re at one spot for too long without moving. Sincerely, nothing is as bad as stagnant water. So if you set up a business, always think of expanding it to other areas. Expanding brings you more profit and you know touching life is one joy that can’t be quantified through the services you rendered.

If you must be innovative, you need to also pay attention to details. 

I could feel my heart laughing as I put this word down. If you care to ask what makes me laugh? Then answer this question. From the day you set up your business, is there any proper accounting system set up to monitor the growth of that business? Many small businesses are established without any accounting information. It might shock you if you asked, some of this businesses can’t determine their running cost but could only remember the working capital used in establishing the business. The other day to day expenditure of their businesses is left to the imagination of the mind. This at a long run actually is what contributed to winging up of this business.

Keeping proper records in your business is what will enable you sustain the business day in day out.  

In making our business worth her salt, attention to details shouldn’t be over looked. And customers’ satisfaction shouldn’t be jeopardized on the altar of our selfish excuses. If you bore a customer with excuses or disrespect his feeling with unmerited comments after you might have been given a specification for an item to be purchase, to the best of my knowledge, you might never win that customer back. The right specification is what counts in business. Even when the Lord asked Noah to build an ark, He gave specification, (Genesis 6:14-16), “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this [is the fashion] which thou shalt make it [of:] The length of the ark [shall be] three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; [with] lower, second, and third [stories] shalt thou make it.” It is always good when you can only contribute and let your customer have the final say.

In any business you do, your code of conduct should be to pay attention to details and give the right specification to all your customers as demanded by them. Where the customer can’t make a choice or have that at hand, it is your duty with care to make them see reason and not to make them feel as if their class is not within your reach. We all came from different background; it is coming together and learning from ourselves that can bring us that closeness that is mutual for a win-win situation in both business and life at general and not the other way round. 

Actually, some people want to do business with a class of pride. Pride is what brings a down fall in business. When you interact with your customer like you are in their shoe, there you can keep them coming back to you always.

If you are not ready to take anyone’s insult, then there is no need setting up any business. 

Always have it in mind that different customers come with different characters and different attitude problems. It is now left for you to learn how to manage them all with their different attitudes and characters. Doing this is what makes you a good and adorable business owner and not the other way round because at the tail end, profit counts and not showmanship. Now, if your attitude as a business owner makes your customer quit coming around your premises. Remember losing that customer makes you lose others that you might have had through them. Your customer if attended to with all the finesse that makes them want your service more and more, it is a good ground for you because they are the one who will become your mouth piece in telling others about your product and services.

If you make your customers feel your essence, they will keep coming back to you.

Business has gone dynamic. We should let the spirit of excellence be with us in every task we undertook as business owners. Let that class in your service delivery be seen. They way you carry yourself, the way you attend to customers, let there be a way with you that would always remind your customers of coming back for more.

Threat everyone with respect even if they seem to hurt your business philosophy. 

Use kind words of appreciation even if the customer is rude in his approach and manner. Doing this think would draw many a customer to you and help expand your business to the next level. Business you should understand is all about building relationship and making contact. The right way to keep making it happen and building bridge across is to keep everyone at par and make them feel like a king with the crown; time and time over again and again.

Now ask yourself this, what is the time you open up your business to customers? Do you open when you should or at your will. Do you incorporate time management to your business or just running it the way you feel? Do you recognize the off or peak period? Looking at managing your time will accelerate your business growth. And when your customers can access you as at when due, you will gradually learn that you are matching toward the line of profit maximization. Please do not leave your business to chance. It is the amount of time you put into the business that will bring the chance for opportunity to growth.  This is the time to put all aside and give your business the entire necessary boost that will take you beyond your imagination.

Time management is the best opportunity that will help your business to growth.  

Businesses that are run in the 21st century are run with defined standard that meets the specification for innovativeness, attention to details and off course orientation in excellence. Grow your business with the fear of God and with all the right tools at your disposal that is all you need to make it work and keep a living legacy for your yet unborn generation.

In you conduct your business, give in your ears to the chancing trend. And be ready to network with people around your line of business. Also to grow your business, make sure that the right staffs are employed. Do not give in to sentiment. Make the welfare of your staffs a priority. And of course let there be training and retraining of your work force. Lastly, keep a smiling face; it is an essential commodity that will win you more clients. 

When you are dynamic in all that you do, you will always find the right people that wants to be associated with you.   

[2]. What Are You Importing And What Are You Exporting? The One Big Question That Will Not Only Benefit You But Humanity At Large 

The rule of every business is to have what to sale. Profit we all know comes through selling. And when you have nothing to sale, then don’t expect to make any profit.

Your service is a product. Your skill is a product. This is your selling power which is what brings about profit. You either sale your ideas or that of others but the bottom line is to have what to sale if making profit is your main target.

Now is the time to reason. Think of what to export that would be beneficial to others. Never ever see yourself as a local champion who only operates within a specific region. Go global, that is the only way you can maximize your profit. Just think of expansion that is the only way to create massive wealth. And if you’re importing remember you can never be richer than the owner (Manufacturer). The real wealth is in exporting your own product or services.

Looking at importing or exporting, you need to consider the legality involved. And dealing with the product or services, that will be of benefit to all and sundry should be what you should hold dear to your heart. Dealing in illegality isn’t the best way to build a brand. Think of how people will view your brand and your self-esteem.

We all celebrate men whose inventions are of a blessing to our generation but who really have some words of blessing to those whom theirs are such of regret to all.

Think and reason more. Let what you import or export be that of a blessing to the humanity because that is what will forever make your name a blessing to all where ever it is mentioned.   


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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: 2 Ways You Can Use What Are You Doing With That Business? And What Are You Importing Or Exporting? To Become Irresistible To Customers
2 Ways You Can Use What Are You Doing With That Business? And What Are You Importing Or Exporting? To Become Irresistible To Customers
Setting up a business involved a lot of obstacles. Also, you need to always have it in mind that challenges would come but it is your attitude to withstand them with a focus mindset that would guarantee success at the long run. Like the parable of talent in (Matthew 25:14-30). What happened with the man who refuses to trade with his one talent? Didn’t the Master took that talent and also pronounced these words, “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and [then] at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give [it] unto him which hath ten talents.” (Matthew 25:27-28). International Business Environment Pdf, Types Of International Business Environment, Theodore Levitt Globalization, International Business Environment Pdf Free Download, International Business Environment Ppt, Factors Affecting International Business Environment, Theodore Levitt Marketing Myopia, Nature Of International Business Environment, How To Grow Your Small Business With Marketing, Creative Ways To Market Your Business, How To Grow Business Tips, How To Satisfy Customers In Business, Different Ways To Ask A Question, How To Grow A Small Business Into A Large Business, How To Grow A Small Business Tips, How To Make Customers Feel Special, How To Find Clients For Import Export Business, How To Find Buyers For Export Products, Import Export Online Marketing, Export Business For Beginners, Export Clients, How To Find Foreign Buyers For Your Export Products, How To Start An Import Export Business From Home, Export Buyers List
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