Cute Romantic Love Text Messages: The Magic In Your Eyes, You Set My Heart On Fire, You Are My Dream Come True & Your Love Gives Me A Peace Of Mind

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Cute Love Messages
 When you spot that magic in the eyes of the one you love; that moment when such stare at you and you felt that gazing of breath. That wonderful moment that redefines your love for him or her as the case may be. You feel your heart on fire and there you knew that all that means any meaning to you is the one you love. If you are still searching for the dream, just know such is the one that makes your love come true.

Take it or leave it, you have found the one who gives you a peace of mind. Redefining that moment is something that makes you feel special and to share these joy of romantic love experience, these romantic words of poetic love messages would add to the magic that you felt.

The Magic In Your Eyes

[1]. You’re the star to my heart and you bring sunshine into my life. What would have been of me if your love hadn’t found me.  I would have been a forgotten soul but you brought me back to life with the tenderness of your love.

[2]. I held your hand with the honey that love produce. Let the sweetness of that honey, strengthened your weakness and make you come back to life. Let it make your way that I might hold it forever in want of you.

[3]. You’re the primrose of my heart. For among the lots I knew, your beauty is it that withstands the taste of time. Yours would never fade; it is a gift to me that when I look at you, my soul is satisfied that you’re a true queen indeed.

[4]. The feeling your love gives to me is priceless. The worth of her strength is valueless. I see in her my hope and live for her with all that is within me.

[5]. Your love is like a mirror, when I see you, I see myself. For there is no lie in looking into the mirror. Your heart is like a mirror to my soul. It sees your perfection, when it looks into you.

[6]. They say no one sees what is behind the mirror. But I look at you from behind, I could see a more beautiful you back there. You’re just the same wherever I look. Peace to your soul my love of all.

[7]. To your love an air of mystery surrounds. But how could I run away from her mystery? I stay to watch; I stay to follow that I would forever be in this mystery that surrounds your love.

You Set My Heart On Fire

[8]. Like the sun radiates her light, so does your love radiates hers which touch down on my soul and set it on fire to burn for you. Your love touches me and makes me whole. Now I am complete all because of you.

[9]. The boldness of your love comes in difference dimension. Around every corner of my life, it touches me with her alluring glory which makes me glad to want none else but you.

[10]. That charisma, that energy, that alertness I saw on your face. There had become the element that makes me long for you with a mystery that I can’t explain.

[11]. I feel more alive because I believe in your love. Your love is forever what I will live for. It came unannounced and tears everything about me to pieces. I could only gather myself together believing in your love.

[12]. Your kind words inspire my soul and keep me tide to your apron. I can’t do anything without you. I could only breathe when you’re alive. If you live now, where would my breath come from? Stay with me that I might ever breathe for you.

[13]. My heart glow when you touch me. My feet lifted up when you hold me. My love evaporates when you embrace me. My life makes anew when you love me.

[14]. Touch me, hold me, that I might be lifted up and my soul evaporate in want of you as your love will make me anew to live and love you forever.

You Are My Dream Come True

[15]. Mystery lies in the door of your love. Every strike of it magical web, I am like one consume in her spell. I seek to be out of her grip but am like a helpless soul drawn in the middle of a blue sea.

[16].  Lost in my own world, all I think of is your love. Lost in my own breath, all I could smell is your love. Your love gives me life and the strength to love you more.

[17]. Your love uplifts me, then stirs my desire and elevates my heart to the highest realm. Now all I do is live in worship of this love of yours that had made me what I am.

[18]. Bless is the assurance that your love give. For my soul had found rest in the bosom of your care. Now, all I need is that love of yours that had given me all that is to life.

[19]. Your love took my soul by storm. I have underestimated your care and joke over your love. Now, that you have showed me what you bear, I can’t live a day without a want of you.

[20]. Adore in your fearless nature, I cliff to the adoration of your love. Let me make my bed there, that I will stay close to your heart and live in want of your love.

[21]. Your love gives me faith to believe in you; it gives me hope to live for you. It gives me the heart to die for you. All I want is that love that I could live and die for you.

Your Love Gives Me A Peace Of Mind

[22]. Your love is like prince charming. It charmed my heart with all infectious affection. That I now live in celebration of your love that made me surrender to you.

[23]. I belong to you; I belong to your love. Take me as I am and do to me as you wish. Let your love control my breath and make me yours only that I would go nowhere but stay and love you forever.

[24]. I desired your touch and I crave for your love from the bottom of my heart. Let your love found my desire and lift me up in your arms. That you would be the one I love all the rest of my life.

[25]. When the trouble water of love shall seek my soul, I shall be strong. For I knew within the turbulent of the sea, your love shall guide me to a safe landing shore. That love of yours is all that will stay with me till the end.

[26]. From the touch of your hand, I could feel the power of your love. When you touch me, I became freeze to my knee. For the love that you carry can’t be compared to any. You touch me and now I can sing of your love that brings me joy.

[27]. To your love, I shiver with emotion. You held me spell bound and make me want you like the breath of air. Every day, I now like in want of you.

[28]. Like a bridge, your love built one in my heart. To reach you, I had to walk through the thought of your love. That had been the guiding path to get across to you.

[29]. Between me and you, your love had built a bridge to reach you. That bridge is your care, affection, charisma… that is the only way I could walk to reach your heart.

[30]. You stabbed my heart with your love and all that flows out from your stabbed are the cares and pleasure that your love brings. Let it ounce out that the love of you will flow eternally like the river of joy.

[31]. To the core of my marrow, your love pierced through my veins. And now, I am saturated all around me with the fever that your love burns.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Cute Romantic Love Text Messages: The Magic In Your Eyes, You Set My Heart On Fire, You Are My Dream Come True & Your Love Gives Me A Peace Of Mind
Cute Romantic Love Text Messages: The Magic In Your Eyes, You Set My Heart On Fire, You Are My Dream Come True & Your Love Gives Me A Peace Of Mind
Deep Love Messages For Her, Deep Love Messages For Him, Love SMS For Love, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love SMS 2019, Sweetest I Love You Message, Sweet Texts, Heart Touching Love Messages For Love
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