Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages: Love Of My Life Poetic Messages For Love & Cutest Sweet Romantic Poetic Messages

Romantic Love Messages For Her, Sweet Love Messages To Your Love, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Sweet Love Text Messages, Deep Love Messages For Her, Sweetest I Love You Message, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Him

Cute Love Messages
There is nothing as good as letting the one you love know that you harbor the thought of him or her daily. If you are seeking to appreciate your love, the amazing words in this Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages are something you shouldn’t ignore.

Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages:  Love Of My Life Poetic Messages For Love & Cutest Sweet Romantic Poetic Messages

There is nothing as good as letting the one you love know that you harbor the thought of him or her daily. If you are seeking to appreciate your love, the amazing words in this Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages are something you shouldn’t ignore. If you would also share these lovely poetic words of romantic messages, you would be glad that you did when you start seeing the sweet romantic effect of these messages.

Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages

[1]. Let the past gone and every failed relationship, have her past. I shall not be weary of them nor cry a fat tear of lost. For now that I have found you and your love that have given me hope. The past is bye-gone and your love is the presence I shall ever want to live for.

[2]. If one lost a diamond, it can still be found or replace. But if one lost your love, where on earth would one find another that is like yours. If everything would go, I shall not border. But never will I live to imagine the thought of losing you.

[3]. When I am with you, I am completely free. My heart is so free that I can see the inner joy it radiates. You make me feel my true self. All because I found love in you. I am free to be that which you want me to be.

[4]. A burden lifted out of my heart and my soul renewed with a new heart that live for your love and you as well. Nothing shall take this love away for the dark of my love it esteem, now I live to bless the day I found you, angel of my life.

[5]. For my life time, I shall forever remember you. You where there when I needed you. You guided me when the eye of love for me was blind. Even if circumstances take you away, I shall forever remember you as one whose heart, I once found true love.

[6]. Sadness day, but still I shall rejoice. Ours was natural but maybe heavens know it wasn’t going to last forever. Now that we have gone our separate ways. I shall ever cherish the many years of the wonderful time we had shared.

[7]. I shall forever live to remember our bond. Though love at time, doesn’t give us all that we want, but in the bosom of your love, have I found all that it was to make my life a better person. You love me that is why I am what I am today.

Love Of My Life Poetic Messages For Love

[8]. You where my love and so shall you be. Though life have given us another hope. I shall hold nothing against our love sometimes, love meant to be, finds herself with time not wanting to be. Even though you’re gone, I shall forever love the time we shared.

[9]. Let tears drop and let me cry a cry for the lost of love. Let this tears drop till it frees my heart out of the thought of losing you. If thoroughly I have lost your love, let it be so. But forever, a part of my soul shall ever remember you.

[10]. Loving is not a do or dies affair. Sometime love last, sometime, it goes away. Now that ours have gone away, the joy of yesterday has become our thoughts in remembrance. Let it go that we will find another to make our life worth living for.

[11]. I prepared my heart for the inevitable and now that it has come to pass, I hold no ill feelings. For sometimes, what we ever hope for is not all that is to the reality that cometh.

[12]. Defeated battle, sometime you win some, sometime you lose some. When it comes to love, you can only cry when you lose one. But rejoice at the back of your heart for it is that same love that will give you the heart to find another love that will still give you the heart to love again.

[13]. Take my hand and do to me what true love has done to others. I shall live in want of your love, for if I Iet you go, I shall never find someone like you. Let your love guide me to the throne of your heart, for I seek to love you with all my breath and strength.

[14]. Let not this love of you ruin my life. For it comes as a shock that in the whole of my life, I have never found someone so trusting like you. Now that I have found you, my world is recreated anew all because of your love.

Cutest Sweet Romantic Poetic Messages

[15]. Pleasure a rare commodity in the world, that have I found in the cares of your love. When I seek for love, I found yours enticing, when I am bore; I am amazed by the strength of you. You have given all that is to love. Now, the rest of my days, that will I live in loving you.

[16]. Cutest, she is more than cute. For her beauty is more than the dawn of a new day. She is a priceless treasure created in the image of royalty. A daughter of Zion she is.

[17]. I heard the instinct of your body aura and my feeling couldn’t hide your presence right here with me. I know you are here even when you are far away. Let this aura of you remain that I will live to breath of none else but you.

[18]. Love of my life, you’re the cutest, the best among equal. Who can contest your crown? None would and none could. You’re the finest and the best. Heaven bless you just for me.

[19]. Like cupid, I have become a skillful archer. My arrow is direct to the spot. I shall never miss a target for your love; I shall hit the spot because I was meant to love you and nothing else.

[20]. Flame of love, burn with the fierce fire that your bosom carries. I had long not to test from your bearing but I had found that no place of a hiding for a soul that found love.

[21]. Willingly I became drown in the ocean of your love. It is there I long to stay and swim within the embrace of your cares. You have made me drown, to you I surrender all to.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages: Love Of My Life Poetic Messages For Love & Cutest Sweet Romantic Poetic Messages
Cute And Lovely Poetic Romantic Messages: Love Of My Life Poetic Messages For Love & Cutest Sweet Romantic Poetic Messages
Romantic Love Messages For Her, Sweet Love Messages To Your Love, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Sweet Love Text Messages, Deep Love Messages For Her, Sweetest I Love You Message, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Him
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