You Are Part Of The Blessing I Found In Love

You Are A Blessing To Me Quotes, Blessed Love Quotes, You Are A Blessing To Me My Love, Blessed To Have You In My Life Poems, Quotes About Blessing In Life, God Bless You And Your Family Quotes, Feel Blessed To Have Great Friends, Feeling Blessed Status

You're A Blessing

My splendid heart, my yearning mind, my vividly desire, my silent tripper, my conscience elevator, my soul dreamer, my heart keeper and my sweetest heart. You are my everyday joy.

You Are Part Of The Blessing I Found In Love

1.    I have found a new meaning to love. That new meaning I found is in you my caring, loving, gentle, sweet and nice angel of my life.

2.    Where ever you are the thought of you is what brightens my day. Even though I have to wait for you, I know you are there for me as my one and only true love.

3.    While you are there thinking of me, I am hear also thinking of you and how to make our love stronger and a thing of pride for others to envy.

4.    My splendid heart, my yearning mind, my vividly desire, my silent tripper, my conscience elevator, my soul dreamer, my heart keeper and my sweetest heart. You are my everyday joy.

5.    Let me take the memories of you and place them in my heart. Let me dream of them for that is all I need to make my heart be at peace with my soul.

6.    The Lord saw my heart and brought you to me. Now I can live the rest of my days knowing that I have found the heart that was made for me.

7.    In this season of love, let the love from the bottom of my heart fills your life with the grace to live and love you with all the joy that comes with it.

8.    All I live for is that ever presence of yours that makes my heart shiver like jelly fish.
9.    Each time I hear your voice, my heart beats faster. Each time you hold and kiss me, I am lost for breath.

10.    Though you whispered into my ear, it is my soul that feels the outcome. That single whisper of your word has opened my heart to love you like never before.

11.    You are a perfect work of art to behold. Words would fail me if I seek to describe you. But know that God thought of HIMSELF when He created you for me.

12.    You are a gift hard to replace. Him who finds you, have it all. You're like a tree planted by the river side, which flourish without blemish.

13.    For all your patience, understanding and love for me, you are more than a million stars to me.
14.    The choice was mine to make you are my number one and ever since I made you, I have no doubt nor regret about it.

15.    You are the only one so dear and close to my heart. You’re the only one who makes my world complete and go round.

16.    You are my life and the source to wish I dream. My world is made whole all because you love me. Love me the way you do, that I will forever be yours.

17.    Love of my life, you are the desire of my heart and nowhere could I run to without your love that had given me all that I needed in love.

18.    You took me and showed me how to love. Now that you are mine, to you shall my love ever be forever.

19.    You are the only person who gives peace to my soul. For your love, I am here to stay and to love you forever.

20.    In years to come, my love for you will ever be the same because I knew from the start, that you were the one made for me.

21.    I shall ever sing of your love even in darkness. When I do, I see brightness overshadow every darkness that has engulfed my mind not to love you.

22.    Many people seek for many things and found nothing. But I seek for you and found all that have given to me the

23.    Your beauty captivated me, your charisma mesmerized me and your love uplifted my heart. Now I can’t live a day without thinking of you.

24.    Even if it is a taboo, my heart would still love you, for nothing can take your love away from me.
25.    The only measles that has destroyed my heart is your love. It came without warming and scattered my heart into pieces.

26.    All that I have is my hearts and with love I give it to you. I trust in your love because I know you will keep and protect it for us.

27.    Your love fills my heart with passion and my emotion with imagination. My life is filled with gladness and now, I will forever love and care for you.

28.    Without you in my life, my whole world will fall apart. Your love is what makes my heart complete and without it, my world is incomplete.

29.    Along the path of life, there are good people you will meet and this people are those who will share your world. Truly you are that person.

30.    You came and turned my world around. You make me see hidden possibilities that are nuggets for success. You’re a rare gem and your love is hard to find.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: You Are Part Of The Blessing I Found In Love
You Are Part Of The Blessing I Found In Love
You Are A Blessing To Me Quotes, Blessed Love Quotes, You Are A Blessing To Me My Love, Blessed To Have You In My Life Poems, Quotes About Blessing In Life, God Bless You And Your Family Quotes, Feel Blessed To Have Great Friends, Feeling Blessed Status
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