Today And Always, I Will Always Love You Romantic Messages

Sweetest I Love You Message, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Deep Love Messages For Her, Most Touching Love Messages, Deep Love Messages For Him, Love Text Messages For Him, I Will Always Love You Text Messages

Love Messages

Today, I make this vow to love you always. Today, I promise you my love if only you will let me be the one you can trust and count on till the end of time.

Today And Always, I Will Always Love You Romantic Messages

1.    Ever since the day I met you, you have become everything good to me. My love, you are more than a friend to me. For the love of you, I will always hold close to my heart forever.

2.    Today, I make this vow to love you always. Today, I promise you my love if only you will let me be the one you can trust and count on till the end of time.

3.    Everyday in my mind, the single thought of you renews my heart with a strong passion to love you more. This feeling of you makes me special and now I know I have found an angel in you to call my own.

4.    Little by little you have become a greater part of me that I can’t do without. Every passing day I see the sweet memories of you renewed in my heart to love you like I have never done before.

5.    I used to think that the hearts that found love, deceit rules. But that was before I found you and found a different new meaning of love. Truly you are love personify my dear.

6.    In the past I had taken my mind off the word love, only thinking of it as a weapon that could destroy the heart. But since I found you need I say things are different.

7.    My dear, you came and took my lonely world away. Now I am so glad that you came my way. For your love was all I needed that took my loneliness away.

8.    Even if I part living, I shall always remember that for my living to be complete, it takes the love of you to make to make it so.

9.    Some more and more that is the spicy that had keep me in loving you cause when I thought I can’t love you more, I found myself loving you some more.

10.    Best among the best, you’re the best and nothing can compare to you. You’re the best and I love you more for it.

11.    The lies, the reason and all worth not. Love has no eye for them even when they say it is blind. Yes, love is blind to things that will never give him joy. And mine for you is blind to worthless things.

12.    Now that I see you breathe, I shall never let my love for you go unnoticed. For when you’re gone, I wouldn’t want to live again without you to share my world.

13.    Your love gives to me all that I desire. Truly your love is a gift that I will ever live to treasure.

14.    You’re my all. Taking you apart from me is like telling me not to breath again. You’re all and so shall you ever be.

15.    Every beat of my heart, is a function of your love. You take me higher and now I can breath again and again, all because you give me the reason to breath again.

16.    I wish I knew that all you gave to me is the meaning of unconditional love. Now that I know, I will ever be right here with you forever.

17.    All the way to my heart, your love rules. Now, there is nothing I can do but plead that you love me forever.

18.    Sweetest heart, my song of joy. You make my dream come true for loving me. Now I am so happy that all to my happiness is found in loving you.

19.    I feel love when am with you and I will ever long to be with you for to be with you is to feel the essence of love.

20.    The sound of your voice melts my heart and when you smile, my spirit, body and soul is made whole. I’m complete just hearing your voice and seeing you smile.

21.    Each time I look into your eyes, I see a part of you living in me. You’re a part of me that lives inside of me.

22.    You have been a true friend. I will always cherish. You bring sunshine into my life and on this your special day. I say may the Good Lord bless and favour you.

23.    Ever time I wonder how you look. But the faith that brought us together makes me feel your beauty.

24.    You’re everything good to me. For you, there is no lie, for living, I found myself aglow knowing in you, there is no mistake but perfection all the way.

25.    Even though we haven’t met physically, but the sincerity of your voice makes me fall in love with you.

26.    You bring me joy, you bring me happiness. You bring me peace of mind. You bring me all the luck that makes my life a better one. Happy birthday to you my dear.

27.    The joy of knowing you can never be explained. You’re like my brother, sister, friend and companion. Today, I say, may your day ever be long. Happy birthday.

28.    Even though we haven’t met but the feeling is there. Each time we talk, I feel your presence right here with me. You have become so special that I long to meet you.

29.    Someone so special, you’re that person. For you touch my heart with love so hard to explain. I really look forward to meeting you.

30.    I feel your body chemistry each time I talk to you. And I am complete when I see your text. You make me love you the more each time I either hear your voice or read from you.

31.    When for me the reason to live was gone, you came, took my hand, lifted me up and made me feel that inspite of my challenges, I should have hope of making it.

32.    The joy of loving you is the tonic that erase my fear. Now, all I do is enjoy the bliss that the gift of you brings into my life.

33.    You bless me when I thought I was out. You give me joy when I thought I was down. You make me alive when I thought I was off. These and many more have your love done to me.

34.    Under the wing of your love, I can live and fly to no limit. You have given me wings to fly and with the joy of your love, I can fly without any fear.

35.    The thought of you gladden my heart. Anytime am down, all I do is think of you and my life will become anew all because of your love.

36.    I tried to define love and got lost along the way. If there is any true meaning of love, yours is a perfect example of it.

37.    Every second, minute and hour, your love showered me like the drop of rainfall. Now am blessed all because I found your love.

38.    Your love over looks my weaknesses and took me as I am. I’m so bless that I found you who cares for me just the way I am.

39.    If it weren’t for your love, I would have been worthless. Thank goodness that I found you. Now am worthy to live again.

40.    Love that grows from the heart they say is a perfect love. I found yours and my heart is at peace with my soul.

41.    Time is too short but for those who found love, time is eternity. Thank God I found you, for now I have no worry of time.

42.    I wanted to relive my childhood again and then I found your love that has taken me back to my youthful days.

43.    In young and in old, the language the body understands to live younger is love. I found yours and am so young that I feel like living forever.

44.    For sure, the best moment in my life will ever be the day I found you.

45.    I discovered love when I found you and age to me is what makes our love stronger.

46.    No soul alive is perfect, but when I found you, I found a perfect being whose love is perfect. You’re the perfect love that makes me perfect.

47.    If I could run, crawl, swim or climb the highest mountain, I would do it as long as I found you and your love to go with me.

48.    You came and turned my world around. You made me see reality and the hidden possibilities that are nuggets for success. Truly, you are a rare gem.

49.    I was trapped in the ocean of love and made to find a landing shore but to no where my heart wanted to go but rather than be right there with you.

50.    To you I give my heart. Let it be a token of my sacrifice that you will hold and cherish as long as you live to see more of another day.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Today And Always, I Will Always Love You Romantic Messages
Today And Always, I Will Always Love You Romantic Messages
Sweetest I Love You Message, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Deep Love Messages For Her, Most Touching Love Messages, Deep Love Messages For Him, Love Text Messages For Him, I Will Always Love You Text Messages
Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!
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