You Make My Dream Come True SMS Messages

You Are My Dream Come True Love Letters, Dream Come True Message, Loving You Dream Come True, You Are My Dream Poem, You Were In My Dream Text, I Dream About You Message, My Dream For You, You Are In My Dream Quotes

Love SMS Messages
What I live and dream for is the passion that your love brings. It is so pleasurable that my heart can’t do without it.

You Make My Dream Come True SMS Messages

1.    What I live and dream for is the passion that your love brings. It is so pleasurable that my heart can’t do without it.

2.    Hold and touch me for I dream never to live without your love.

3.    When I dream, it is you that take the centre stage. I dream of nothing but you – a perfect dream that came true.

4.    They say dreams come true – and I am a living witness that your love that looked like a dream, has come true.

5.    When I dream of you I dream of paradise. For your love I have seen paradise and I have no regret loving you.

6.    By the side of your love do I find my rest and make my bed that I might lie and dream of nothing else but your love for me that is real.

7.    Life they say goes on but how can I imagine life without you. If for others life goes on, for me your love is what makes it go on.

8.    Life they say goes on but how can I imagine life without you. If for others life goes on, for me your love is what makes it go on.

9.    Your love makes me live for you, cry for you and also longs for you. Your love wouldn’t let me breathe a day without thinking of you.

10.    By the side of your love do I find my rest and make my bed that I might lie and dream of nothing else but your love for me that is real.

11.    If I’m sick, I would take no pills. All the pills I need to put me back on track is a little doze of your love. If I have it then I’m well for life.

12.    My defense, my armory, the wave of your love had scattered them. Now I succumbed to the alluring fantasies that your love carries.

13.    Your love found me in my bare state of mind. When I was worthless, you took me as I am. Now that am a better person, to you I give it all.

14.    You found me in my bare state of mind and took me as I am. Now that your love has made me a better person, to you I give it all my one in a million.

15.    I think of the future we can build together. I think of life with you and our kids. I think of the day we will say I do. I think of your love my priceless jewel.

16.    Thank God money is not everything. If money was everything, I would have none to buy your love. I love you for you’re priceless.

17.    I want to be the sun when you’re up and your moon when you go to sleep. Let me be your dream so you can dream of none else but me your love.

18.    I can’t imagine that love could find me in my bare state of mind. Your love found me and ever since I’m grateful to your love that has make me yours.

19.    True love they say is in the beauty of the heart. Thank God I didn't judge from the outward, then I would have been blind to find your love.

20.    They say true love thinks of another and denied itself some comfort. Now I know why your love is so adorable. It thinks of me and same will I do for you.

21.    Your love heals my wounded soul and brings to me a new hope. Now, all I want to live for is you and nothing else.

22.    Your love came with this perfection that none alive would fault. Heaven must have rested the day it created you. For you’re prettier than the prettiest.

23.    Where heroes are found, I could beat my chest as one. For your love has made me a hero. I am now like a King with a crown all because of your love.

24.    Your love has erased my doubt and created in me the heart that lives for you. It has made me a new creature that I might search for none else but you.

25.    In the arm of your love do I find comfort. You opened your arm and welcomed me. There I found rest to my worried mind and there shall I stay forever.

26.    Why would a day be incomplete without your love? Why do I dream in secret and all that is to it is your love.

27.    I was lost but your love found me and picked the broken piece that was my life. Now you have turned me into a master-piece and made my life go round.

28.    You bless me with the beauty of your love. Now the rest of my days are made whole all because you love me.

29.    I shall ever live for your love that I might forever experience the eternal bliss that is your love.

30.    Since your love found me, I am more than comforted and forever will be there to enjoy her purity.

31.    Your love is all I have and that will be all I have.

32.    Your love has given me the "Will Power" to over look all the short coming that comes with loving you.

33.    Your love has taken control over me and there is nothing I would do without the love of you.

34.    In this journey called life, I have found your love which has given me strength to walk through it.

35.    Your love keeps no record of wrong. When I am wrong, you correct me. For your kind of love, I pray for it to be mine forever.

36.    I cannot believe that your love came to me and erased my fear. It took my shame away and gives me the hope to live for you.

37.    For your love, there is no place that is too far. Any where you are, if I am not there with you in person, my love will always be right there with you.

38.    When your love touch down on me and elevated my soul to another level, I knew it was for real. Now it has come to stay and I have no doubt about it.

39.    I tried to run and ignore your love but the more I tried to hide away from it, the more I found myself getting glued to you.

40.    Do not take your love away from me. For all I need to survive my life time, I have seen inside your love to keep and to cherish forever.

41.    I am like the seed that your love germinates. It shall forever grow as long as you keep watering it with your cares and tendered loving.

42.    They say I grew so beautifully and I told them to ask you. I never knew love was so beautiful but now I see the reason I grew so. It’s because of your love.

43.    We are soulmates meant for a purpose. Hold back no resistance because we’re on a mission that is bless for us to uphold. That mission is my love for you.

44.    What can be compared to you my lovely angel? None! For there is something about you that makes me feel like a King with a crown.

45.    Within my heart, I have to make this little confession. You're so cute and natural, I couldn’t help but want to have you as my love for the rest of my life.

46.    When I am with you, I feel good. May your heart forever be open to accept my love. For among the others, it’s you I have chosen to be my love till the end.

47.    Over my pride, I humble myself and choose you as the best thing in my life. You’re the precious gift I have. Keep my love, it’s real, that's all I have to give.

48.    No bars, chain or walls can separate my love for you. Neither than separate us, it shall be like a pillar that binds us together.

49.    My love, you are the best among equal. None can contest the throng of my heart except you that I have given it unto.

50.    If love is not blind, then how could we see? For love to be real, it needs to be blind. I’m blind to any negative things that would diminish my love for you.

51.    I stand within the river Niger Bridge to declare my love for you. Ever since I met you, you have become a pillar of strength and a blessing to me.

52.    For what you are, I find no meaning to love you but for who you’re my love will forever be yours.

53.    I love your simple look and I adore your smile. Your simplicity will forever draw me to you. Now I live each day admiring the beauty in you for real.

54.    Just a little smile, a taste of your love and care and I will forever be alright all the time.

55.    A little smile, a little care and an overdose of your love that is all I need to live for to see another day.

56.    When you love me, I am like a child with smiles on her face. When you kiss me am like someone who has found a hidden treasure.

57.    You are like the breath I take, you are the smile I have, you are the love I cannot do without.

58.    When you hear the bird sing and the sun shine, smile! For it’s me sending a message of goodwill that says “smile I love you just the way you are".

59.    If the end comes for me now, I rather would glow in smile for I know I live my life loving you till the very end.

60.    Sometimes I smile and dance in close door. The reason I smile and dance is you. You give me the reason each time I realized that all I have is you.

61.    Every smile on your face makes me a happy person.

62.    Each time I heard the wind blow, I smile for I know it is your perfect love blowing my way to give me all the energy I need to love you the more.

63.    My thoughts are not lost to you. For in every ticking of the clock, the thought of you flows like the river of joy that makes me live in want of you.

64.    Black they say is beautiful but I thought it was a lie till I found you. Now I can confess that you’re blessed among the blessed.

65.    My whole world changed the day you kissed me. I thought I saw paradise when you embraced me.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: You Make My Dream Come True SMS Messages
You Make My Dream Come True SMS Messages
You Are My Dream Come True Love Letters, Dream Come True Message, Loving You Dream Come True, You Are My Dream Poem, You Were In My Dream Text, I Dream About You Message, My Dream For You, You Are In My Dream Quotes
Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!
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