You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages

You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages, Sometimes I smile and sometimes I dance in close doors. The reason I smile and dance is you. You give me the reason to smile and dance each time I realize that all I have is you. I looked into the sky and all I see is your pretty smile. I am so amazed how your smile could melt my heart. You are a perfect smile that makes my world go round. Your love gives me the reason to smile from the depth of my heart. If there is one thing I would rather live for, it is your undying love that has made me what I am today. Your love gives meaning to my life. Your love renewed my heart and gives me the reason to love again. My heart, soul and body, shall ever live to always love you. In the throne of my heart, your love reign. There her glory sparkles like a million stars to brighten my days and made me thirst for none else but you, love of life. The wing of your love has covered my shame and nakedness away. Now, I walk with so much joy in my heart that I have the love of you that has given to me all that I ever wanted. My eye was blindfolded and was asked to identify you. I smile because I needed not to hear your voice to know if it was you. All I would ever do is to close my eyes and the aura of you which I know right within my heart shall identify that it was you.

You Melt My Heart Messages

You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages

1. Sometimes I smile and sometimes I dance in close doors. The reason I smile and dance is you. You give me the reason to smile and dance each time I realize that all I have is you.

2. I looked into the sky and all I see is your pretty smile. I am so amazed how your smile could melt my heart. You are a perfect smile that makes my world go round.

3. Your love gives me the reason to smile from the depth of my heart. If there is one thing I would rather live for, it is your undying love that has made me what I am today.

4. Your love gives meaning to my life. Your love renewed my heart and gives me the reason to love again. My heart, soul and body, shall ever live to always love you.

5. In the throne of my heart, your love reign. There her glory sparkles like a million stars to brighten my days and made me thirst for none else but you, love of life.

6. The wing of your love has covered my shame and nakedness away. Now, I walk with so much joy in my heart that I have the love of you that has given to me all that I ever wanted.

7. My eye was blindfolded and was asked to identify you. I smile because I needed not to hear your voice to know if it was you. All I would ever do is to close my eyes and the aura of you which I know right within my heart shall identify that it was you.

Love SMS Text Messages

8. Love they say is like a butterfly that goes where it pleases. I thank God it came my way. For it to come, I would forever cherish and adore you.

9. Miracles will forever abound but the miracle of you is a rare gift that abound ones. Thank God it abound my way for I’m so glad to have the miracle of you.

10. My all in one, I love you the way you are. For among the best it’s me among the least you choose. I love you for taking me the way I am.

11. I shall ever be yours as long as you love me. And even if you don’t, I shall forever cherish the wonderful moment we share.

12. By your side that is where I shall ever want to be. Even when am not there, count it that am there with you, body, spirit and soul.

13. For the aura of air that blew and the air you breathe, my love shall forever be there with you to make you fill my present now and forever.

14. The joy of you gladdens my heart. I feel loved when I see you. Nothing can take your place for the love of you; I’m like a King with a crown.

Deepest Romantic Love Messages

15. The fastest cure to my worry I got it in loving you. Just for loving you, I’m perfect. You make me real and complete. Now I’m not afraid to say I love you more than you know.

16. This may sound stupid but it is true. Money might come easy by but love is hard to find. I might lose money and never care to find it but I can’t imagine losing your love and being sane again.

17. Your love knocks at my heart and I open it without any resistance because right from the first day, I knew you were the one made for me.

18. I heard a knock at my heart and I open and found the bliss of your love. Now I have no doubt even if it knocks again, I will open and found you that was made for me.

19. It took me time and sleepless night to come to this reality that your love is not just one of those. Your love is real and I bless the day it came my way.

20. If you feel I flattered you or lied to you. But time will bear me witness that right from the start, it was love I feel for you and now and ever, it’s that same love I feel for you.

21. I’m loyal to your love. In the morning, afternoon and night, it’s you I want to see. Every moment of my life, it’s your love I want.

Sweetest Lovely Messages For Love

22. The sweetness of your love has built her nest around my heart. Like the web, it has entangled me roundabout and all I have to do is surrender to your sweet love.

23. Forever yours, I will be forever yours. You showed me tenderness and care me like your baby. Now your tender love has made me surrender my pride to the armory of your might.

24. When you love me am like a child who make her face smile. When you kiss me am like someone who has found a hidden treasure.

25. With everything I have, I surrender to the power of your love. Let my soul taste not for in the arm of your love have I found a lasting love.

26. A better tomorrow has come because I found you. My days were worst but now they are a thing of the past because your came and cover my nakedness away.

27. The emptiness in my heart, you fill with your love. Now I can feel the energy to face every storm that comes my way.

28. Look into my heart if you can see then you will see the cares and the love I have for you. Nothing makes my heart complete than loving and caring for you.

Love Messages For The One You Love From The Heart

29. Look into my eye if you can’t see an eye that longs for your love, then make no mistake for the silent tears that drops from my eyes tells you how much I love you.

30. Can you spot the tears in my eyes? Look it’s right there from the day I fell for you. It has become a symbol that tells me I have surrender my love to nor else but you.

31. I wondered if this is me. For you bring out the real love in me. Now I’m a better person all because of your love.

32. Take my hand and let me love you the way I desire for you’re my dream and my treasure house of desire that would comfort me till the end of time.

33. You’re second to none and nothing can be compared to you. You’re a rare gift with a heart that cares. What else can I say? You’re all I have and I love you for that.

34. My heart your love fills with passion, my emotion your love fills with imagination and my life your love fills with gladness. I will forever love and care about you.

35. If I have one wish to make that wish will be that your love be mine as long as I live.

Texts Messages To Make Her Melt

36. If not that you love me, I wouldn’t know the meaning of true love. You love me unconditionally and now I have the hope that love is real.

37. A day without you is like a thousand years in darkness but a day with you is like a million years in paradise.

38. If missing you means going insane, then let it be and if loving you means going sane, let it be. I love you that makes me sane and missing you that makes me insane.

39. When I dream of you I dream of paradise. For your love I have seen paradise and I have no regret loving you. Your love is my paradise that gives me a new life.

40. To the wing of your love I surrender my heart that we might fly together to discover the hidden paradise hidden inside our hearts.

41. Let the bliss of your love guide me. Let the wind of your undying love blow me and make me feel the warm of your touch that sets my heart on fir.

42. Your love wilds my heart and set it on fire. The flame it brings burns my heart with desire that longs for you. Who can quench this fire except the touch of your love.

Thinking Of You Text Messages For Love

43. Sweet melodies, the tune of your love sang. How this tune gladden my heart and make me feel loved like I have never felt before.

44. When I see you, I see possibilities. When I see you, I see love. When I see you, everything becomes possible just because you love me.

45. With your love, I can see better and clearer. With your love, I’m a better person. With your love, I can move the mountain. All these I could do because you love me.

46. What’s more, it pays to love and be loved. You love me that make it pay to love you unconstitutionally. Even if you don’t love me, I shall forever love you.

47. Joy and gladness are my backbone all because you love me. I shall forever remain graceful because you have showed me love the way nor else have ever done.

48. There is something that fills my heart. That something is the bliss of your love. It covers me when am in storm and it gives me peace when am in pains.

49. They say love takes time to heal when it hurts so much. But why is my own case different? When you hurt me, I just found myself loving you the more.

50. Lover they says hurts more than injury. But I seem to doubt that because your love even when it hurts, the thought of the time we share, heals every wound that would have hurt my soul.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages
You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages
You Melt My Heart SMS Text Messages, Sometimes I smile and sometimes I dance in close doors. The reason I smile and dance is you. You give me the reason to smile and dance each time I realize that all I have is you. I looked into the sky and all I see is your pretty smile. I am so amazed how your smile could melt my heart. You are a perfect smile that makes my world go round. Your love gives me the reason to smile from the depth of my heart. If there is one thing I would rather live for, it is your undying love that has made me what I am today. Your love gives meaning to my life. Your love renewed my heart and gives me the reason to love again. My heart, soul and body, shall ever live to always love you. In the throne of my heart, your love reign. There her glory sparkles like a million stars to brighten my days and made me thirst for none else but you, love of life. The wing of your love has covered my shame and nakedness away. Now, I walk with so much joy in my heart that I have the love of you that has given to me all that I ever wanted. My eye was blindfolded and was asked to identify you. I smile because I needed not to hear your voice to know if it was you. All I would ever do is to close my eyes and the aura of you which I know right within my heart shall identify that it was you.
Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!
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