Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life

Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life, If love was a photograph, I will take you but since love is a feeling of the heart, I still would have taken you whose picture is right here in the centre of my heart. Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life, If love was a photograph, I will take you but since love is a feeling of the heart, I still would have taken you whose picture is right here in the centre of my heart. Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Her, Sweetest I Love You Message, Deep Love Messages For Him, Most Touching Love Messages, Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Boyfriend, Sweetest I Love You Message, Most Touching Love Messages, Deep Love Messages For Him, Quotes For Someone Special In Your Life, Quotes About Feeling Special To Someone, Special Person In My Life Messages, When Someone Special Comes Into Your Life, Quotes For Someone Special Friend, Status For Someone Very Special, Someone Special Quotes For Her, One Person In Your Life Quotes, Short Love Messages, Love Text Messages For Him, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Sweet Love Text Messages, Sweetest I Love You Message, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Messages For Boyfriend, Deep Love Messages For Her

Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life

1.    If love was a photograph, I will take you but since love is a feeling of the heart, I still would have taken you whose picture is right here in the centre of my heart.

2.    Where heroes are found, I could beat my chest as one. For your love has made me a hero. I am now like a King with a crown all because of your love.

3.    The beauty of your love sparkle my heart and made her shining glory drawn me to you. Now I live in want of your love forever.

4.    Along the path of life, there are good people you will meet and these people are those who will share your world. Truly you are that person that was made to share my word.

5.    Even if it was a taboo, my heart would still love you for nothing can take your love away from me.

6.    If love is a person then I have seen the person whose love have given me the power to shout for joy. That person if you may know is you.

7.    Thou we are two, but we have one heart. The beauty of it is that the word one plus one is equal to one and never two. Our love is a case in study that will continue to prove it.

Short Love Messages

8.    It is you and only you that make me feel alive and if you leave me without your love, then I will live the rest of my days wishing I never found love in you.

9.    Let the bliss of your love guide me. Let the wind of your undying love blow me and make me feel the warm of your touch that sets my heart on fire to love you with all my heart.

10.    Your love makes me live for you. Your love makes me cry for you. Your love makes me long for you. Your love wouldn’t let me go a day without you.

11.    Angel of my life, one whose love makes me complete. Life without you would have become worthless but you came and took my pains away. Now I am a new me all because you love me.

12.    Let the fresh breathe of a new day bless your life with a new thing. May every desire of your heart be fulfill with God’s goodness. Let the gift of love make your day joyful.

13.    My love for you is like a rain drop that showers her many blessing on me. It shall ever be so for your love makes me reign like a king with the crown.

14.    I blossom because your love makes my life beautiful and when people ask of my source of secret and happiness, I look to the sky and point to the direction that you are.

Love Text Messages For Him

15.    I will be here always waiting patiently for your love. If the night fall or the sun shine, I will still wait for your love is worth waiting for.

16.    I am what I am because of your love. Your love makes me and now I am made. For my life time, I shall be with your love so I will be made for life.

17.    Even without your presence, I still feel the aura of your love in the air. Where ever you are my love, just know that the love of you keeps me around waiting for your return.

18.    A longing heart that gazed in wait for your love. This is a price I have to pay for loving you. For the sake of love, there is no sacrifice too small. As long as we love, I shall forever make this sacrifice of waiting for you.

19.    Your love is worth waiting for. Your love is worth hoping for. I shall hope and wait for I see a bright future in the heart of your love that you have given to me.

20.    Waiting for bus to come and pick us. So much thought of you on my mind. Thoughts of a man who have fallen in love. Is this love that I am feeling? Am so sober for the love of you.

21.    If to see is to believe, your love is worth waiting for. Each time I see you, I long to wait for you all my life.

Sweet Love Text Messages

22.    Your love makes me strong. It gives me the heart to face any challenges. It is the one thing I need to make my life a better place to live in.

23.    Like a butterfly, your love flew to me. And with joy, I accepted it. Now my heart can fly with all the joy knowing that your love makes me fly with a perfect heart.

24.    Your love inspires me beyond my imagination and made me see possibilities right in front of me. Now, I live in the world of possibilities all because your love makes it possible.

25.    Your love makes me live for you, cry for you and also longs for you. Your love wouldn’t let me breathe a day without thinking of you.

26.    Your love gives me the wing to fly. And its tenderness, gives me the heart that lives for another day. In the beauty of it all, your love makes me the dream that comes true.

27.    My mind is always burning and my heart pumps each time you come my way. Your love makes my heart pump for you. And this I have come to realize as the power of your unconditional love.

28.    Your love makes my heart burn like fire. But I am comforted that each time I come close to you, you take away the fire and give me a peace of mind.

Romantic Love Messages For Her

29.    Thou you kiss my lips, but it is my soul that longs for your kisses. When you kiss me, I am like a tree planted by the river side that knew no dryness.

30.    Each time I hear your voice, my heart beats faster. Each time you hold and kiss me, I gaze for breath. Your voice, arms and kisses have become like the engine room that gives me strength.

31.    I have never thought you would be the song that I sing. But now I could feel the tune that Bob Marley sang – is this love, is this love that am feeling?

32.    Search through my mind then you will see that the feeling of you replenished my thoughts. You are love every minute of the day.

33.    Your tender word gives me the strong feeling that I needed to survive the many storms of life. I found you and found the perfect tonic that cures my heart for real.

34.    Loving you is like feeling the bliss of eternity. It comes so natural to me that I lack the right words to express them. I see paradise when I feel the bliss of your love.

35.    You have made me a star and now, I am not ashamed of loving you the way you are. You are a blessing, a rare gift to my soul. If this is love that am feeling, then am in love with you.

Sweetest I Love You Message

36.    I thought I will never love again till I found you. Now I have the reason to be grateful for the love we shared. You are and would ever be my endless love.

37.    The story of my life will never be complete without the mention of your love, care and understanding. Each chapter will ever tell the story of your love for me.

38.    The way you are and the things you do, makes me love you. I love you the way you are and for the love in you, my heart is dedicated to loving you.

39.    If I could paint the colour of love, then I would have painted you. But since love grows in the heart, there I have painted a true picture of your love that never fades.

40.    Your love is like the gift of Valentine and your caring is like the joy of Christmas. I have gotten both and now I cannot be the same without the gift of you.

41.    I love you more than the stars in the sky. If you can count the stars, then you can count my love for you. If not then know that I will always love you.

42.    To you I make this vow that I will always be there for you. I shall forever keep my vow because your love has given me the heart to love you till the end.

Love Messages For Her From The Heart

43.    If a million souls gather within the crowd, I will still find you. You are like an unhidden treasure that none else could find except me that was meant for you.

44.    Your love has made me a star and now, I am not ashamed of loving you the way you are. You are a blessing and a rare gift to my soul.

45.    I wish I could touch the sky then I would have written your name on it that the world would see and adore the beauty of your love for me.

46.    Your worth is irreplaceable. Your care and kind-heartedness are priceless. Your love and smile are irresistible. You are a diamond that never fades.

47.    You are my beauty in the sun, my moonlight in the dark, my charming love every day of the year. Truly, nothing can faulted your love; angel of my life.

48.    Honey is sweeter but your love is the sweetest. Gold has a price tag but your love is priceless. If I have to choose between them, I rather will choose you.

49.    My love, your beauty is more than the dawn of a new day. You are like a priceless treasure created in the image of royalty. I love you just the way you are.

Deep Love Messages For Her & Him

50.    In my heart, your love has filled a space that no one can fill. I have kept that space for you and no one in this world can take that away from you.

51.    I needed no second thought to know that your love is real. Right from the first day I saw you. I have made up my mind to love you just the way you are.

52.    I adore your love that glitter in my heart like gold. I adore your smile that could melt any King’s heart. In all, I adore you that was made for me.

53.    When I close my eyes all I see is your love and when I open it, all I still see is your love. Your love is so beautiful and for that, I shall forever adore you my love.

54.    Your affection is like the warm of the morning air. Your care is second to none. Your charisma is so infectious. Truly, you make me feel loved and wanted.

55.    You brought joy and sunshine into my life and now I am a better person because of you. If I am to love again, none else will I choose but you, love of my life.

56.    The joy of you gladdens my heart. I feel loved when I see you. Nothing can take your place, for the love of you; I am like a King with a crown.

Most Touching Love Messages

57.    When I see you smile, my heart is gladden. Your smile is all I need to make my heart glad. Smile and keep smiling. I love you the more when I see you smile.

58.    The love of you is like peace in trouble time, the thought of you is like a taste of honey in the mouth while loving you is like living in joy and happiness.

59.    Every passing day I see your love renewed in my heart to love you like never before and how happy I am that you gave me the reason to love again.

60.    Let my love wake you up and may her joy fills your heart. Let it make you smile with a hidden peace of mind and may you always feel the warm of my love.

61.    May you ever be blessed. May you ever be a shining light. May your love ever be a worthy example for others to emulate. May your love always be mine.

62.    I appreciate the love we share for my life is a blessing because you love me. When I think about our love, I blessed the day you came into my life.

63.    Blessed to be a blessing, your love has blessed me with all the good tiding of life. I am happy knowing in you, I found ever reason to love again.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life
Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life
Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life, If love was a photograph, I will take you but since love is a feeling of the heart, I still would have taken you whose picture is right here in the centre of my heart. Short Romantic Love SMS Messages For The Special One In Your Life, If love was a photograph, I will take you but since love is a feeling of the heart, I still would have taken you whose picture is right here in the centre of my heart. Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Her, Sweetest I Love You Message, Deep Love Messages For Him, Most Touching Love Messages, Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Text Messages For Him, Deep Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Boyfriend, Sweetest I Love You Message, Most Touching Love Messages, Deep Love Messages For Him, Quotes For Someone Special In Your Life, Quotes About Feeling Special To Someone, Special Person In My Life Messages, When Someone Special Comes Into Your Life, Quotes For Someone Special Friend, Status For Someone Very Special, Someone Special Quotes For Her, One Person In Your Life Quotes, Short Love Messages, Love Text Messages For Him, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Sweet Love Text Messages, Sweetest I Love You Message, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Love Messages For Boyfriend, Deep Love Messages For Her
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