Friendship Love Text Messages and Sweet Love SMS Messages

Joy and gladness are my backbone all because you love me. I shall forever remain graceful because you have shown me love the way none else have ever done. You are indeed something special that is irreplaceable. Love Friendship Text Messages, Nice Message To A Friend, Best Friend Text Messages, Message To A Very Special Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Emotional Friendship Messages, Love Messages, Best Friend Text Messages, Nice Message To A Friend, Message To A Very Special Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Emotional Friendship Messages, Sweet Friend Sms, Love Messages, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms Text Messages, Sweetest I Love You Message, Sweet Love Messages To Your Girlfriend, Love Sms For Him, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Short Love Messages, Sweet Love Sms In English, Love Sms Text Messages, Love Sms For Girlfriend, Sweet Love Sms, Love Sms For Him, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms For Her, Download Love Sms, Sweet Love Sms In English, Love Sms For Girlfriend, Download Love Sms, Love Sms Text Messages, Sweet Love Sms, Love Sms For Him, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms App, Love Sms For Her

Love is amazing and thoughtfully wonderful. It brings out the best in anyone who found her through essence. There is no faking it; love is real to the heart of those who made sacrifices to see to it that it comes to full manifestation. If you care about the one you love, these Friendship Love Text Messages and Sweet Love SMS Messages is for you to share with the special person in your life.

Come on, take time off to appreciate the one you love. If you have a treasure, you will do anything to keep it been treasured. The one you love is your treasure and keeping it treasured is one thing you should do from the depth of your heart.

Friendship Text Messages

Friendship Love Text Messages 

If you have to make a wish, what would be your wishes? Some would want silver, others would want gold, but if you find the right one for you, then you have gotten it all.

If you believe in making a wish, just make these love wishes below and see its reaction in the life and heart of the one you love.

My Sincere Wishes Is To Love You Till The End

[1]. My undying love shall ever goes to you, angel of my life. You love me beyond reasons. And for that, I will stick with you forever.

[2]. A day without you is like a thousand years in darkness but a day with you is like a million years in paradise. You are my sunshine in darkness and my shining star that keeps me on the right track when I am going through the wrong way.

[3]. If missing you means going insane and loving you means becoming sane. Then loving you makes me sane and missing you makes me want to go insane. My wish is to be with you so I could live for you without going insane.

[4]. When I dream of you I dream of paradise. For your love I have seen the glimpse of paradise and I have no regret loving you. You are my world come true and the paradise I shall ever wish to be mine forever.

[5]. To the wing of your love I surrender my heart that we might fly together to discover the hidden treasure inside our hearts. Your love gives me the wing to fly and I wish we shall always live to fly together till eternity.

[6]. Let the bliss of your love guide me. Let the wind of your undying love blow me and make me feel the warm of your touch that sets my heart on fire to love you with all my heart.

[7]. Your love set my heart on fire. And her flame burns me with the desire that longs for you. Now none can quench this fire except the touch of you that is all I need to make me a happy person for life.

You Are The One I Shall Ever Live To Treasure

[8]. Every day your love sang to me a sweet melody which gladden my heart and made me feel loved like I have never felt before. Your love is a treasure that I seek to cherish for the rest of my life.

[9]. When I see you, I see possibilities. When I see you, I see love. When I see you, everything becomes possible just because you love me. Indeed when I see you, I see love flow in my heart like the river of joy.

[10]. With your love, I can see things better and clearer. With your love, I am a better person that can move mountains. All these I could do because you love me and has given me the mind to love with the whole of happiness in my heart.

[11]. It pays to love and be loved. You love me that make it pay to love you unconditionally. Even if you don’t love me again, I shall forever love you. For your love is a treasure everyone would want to live for every moment of the day.

[12]. Joy and gladness are my backbone all because you love me. I shall forever remain graceful because you have shown me love the way none else have ever done. You are indeed something special that is irreplaceable.

[13]. There is something that fills my heart. That something is the bliss of your love. It covers me when I am in storm and it gives me peace of mind when I am in pains. You are my true bliss no matter the storm of the weather.

[14]. They say love takes time to heal when it hurts so much. But why is my own case different? When you hurt me, I just found myself loving you the more. You are truly loved every minute of the day.

I Have No Doubt In The Love I Found In You

[15]. Love they says hurts more than an injury. But I seem to doubt this because your love even when it hurts, the thought of the time we share, heals every wound that would have hurt my heart.

[16]. If none among a million souls loved you, then know that I love you. If among them one does, then know that I am that one person who loved you the most. With your love, I have no doubt that it was meant for me.

[17]. In my silent and outward thoughts, the love of you controls my imagination. Life without your love I wonder how such might be. You love is all that I take and that which gives me the heart to want to stick with you forever.

Sweet Love Text Messages

How amazing is it to make a promise that you know your heart will always keep no matter the length of time. Love requires making a sacrifice and what it takes to keep your relationship tight is what you should do. When you speak from your heart, it shows that you are a living begin of honour.

Real people make promise that they would ever keep no matter the challenges that might arise. When you make a promise, it shows how committed you are to your relationship. If you know you can’t keep a promise, then there is no need to make one.

To be a man or woman of honour when making a promise, it is good to let instinct do the talking. Infatuation shouldn’t let you dive into making a promise you know right from your heart that you would never keep.

Romantic Sweet Love Text Messages

For those who have a committed relationship and are experiencing the bliss, here are some awesome promises to help build and keep your love rocking.

My Love For You Is Here To Stay

[18]. For the aura of air that blew and the air you breathe, my love shall forever be there with you to make you feel my presence now and always. Your love gives me the reason to love again.

[19]. The joy of you gladdens my heart. I feel loved when I see you. Nothing can take your place for the love of you; I am like a King with a crown. And my heart, you make the peace of your love reign with happiness.

[20]. The fastest cure to my worry I found in loving you. Just for loving you, I found myself perfect, real and complete. Now I am not afraid to say I love you more than you ever know. I love you and I sincerely will always do.

[21]. This may sound stupid but it is true. Money might come easy but true love is hard to find. I might lose money and never care about finding it but I can’t imagine losing your love and still be sane again.

[22]. When your love knocks at my heart, I open it without any resistance because right from the first day, I knew you were the only one made for me. And forever will always cherish the day we first met.

[23]. The sweetness of your love has built her nest around my heart. Like the web, it has entangled me roundabout and all I have to do is surrender to your sweet love. This love of you is so amazing that I found myself loving you just the way you are.

[24]. It took me time and sleepless night to come to this reality that your love is not just one of those things that make no meaning but rather your love is real and I bless the day it came my way. It is your love that I found perfect to be mine today and always.

I Mean Every Words That I Say

[25]. If you feel I flattered or lied to you time will bear me witness. Right from the start, it was love I felt for you and now and ever, it is the same love I still feel for you. I mean ever words of it when I say I love you.

[26]. I am loyal to your love. In the morning, afternoon and night, it is you I want to see. Every moment of my day, it is your love I want. And if there still there is anything that I want, it is nothing but the love of you.

[27]. I heard a knock in my heart and I open to found the bliss of your love. Now I have no doubt even if it knocks again, I will still open it because I know I will find your love that was made for me.

[28]. Today I declare my undying love for you. Ever since we met, you have become a pillar of strength to me and for that; you are will forever be love every moment of the day.

[29]. I was made to love you and live for you. All I shall ever do is love you the way none else would ever do. This is my promise for as much as I do know; I was made to love for you angel of my life.

[30]. Loving you comes so natural to me. I need no tale bearer to foresee that you were created just for me. For every moment of my breath, I shall live to love you till the very end of time.

[31]. Ever since I met you, my dream is incomplete without you. You have become my dream and I long to behold the sweet memory of you. You are indeed a blessing that has helped me see possibilities where naturally I felt it wasn’t possible.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Friendship Love Text Messages and Sweet Love SMS Messages
Friendship Love Text Messages and Sweet Love SMS Messages
Joy and gladness are my backbone all because you love me. I shall forever remain graceful because you have shown me love the way none else have ever done. You are indeed something special that is irreplaceable. Love Friendship Text Messages, Nice Message To A Friend, Best Friend Text Messages, Message To A Very Special Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Emotional Friendship Messages, Love Messages, Best Friend Text Messages, Nice Message To A Friend, Message To A Very Special Friend, Sweet Messages For Friends In English, Message For My Best Friend Forever, Emotional Friendship Messages, Sweet Friend Sms, Love Messages, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms Text Messages, Sweetest I Love You Message, Sweet Love Messages To Your Girlfriend, Love Sms For Him, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Short Love Messages, Sweet Love Sms In English, Love Sms Text Messages, Love Sms For Girlfriend, Sweet Love Sms, Love Sms For Him, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms For Her, Download Love Sms, Sweet Love Sms In English, Love Sms For Girlfriend, Download Love Sms, Love Sms Text Messages, Sweet Love Sms, Love Sms For Him, Sweet Love Sms For Girlfriend, Love Sms App, Love Sms For Her
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