50 Relationship Quotes About Love, Friendship And Life For Husband, Wife And Lovers

Love Quotes, Real Life Relationship Quotes, Best Friend Quotes, Strong Relationship Quotes Sayings, I Love You Quotes, Quotes On Relationship Problems, Love Quotes For Him, Inspirational Love Quotes

Quotes About Friendship
True love measures how we live our life in a relationship. When we allowed love to reign, we would have the best of our relationship.

50 Relationship Quotes About Love, Friendship And Life For Husband, Wife And Lovers

The moment greed sets in, it comes with it the forces that could help destroy our relationship and make us not worthy of showing unconditional love to the special person in our life. Let these Relationship Quotes About Love, Friendship And Life For Husband, Wife And Lovers give you an headway to learn how to keep your relationship and make it a better one for others to envy.

Love Quotes for Love, Relationship, Friendship and Life

1. Love is something that measures our stature, indeed the more we love, the bigger we are. There is no smaller package in the entire world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself.

2. Love is not all about money but how much love you create in your heart for the person you truly love.

3. Love in all of it ramification is something that is so sweet and can make you cry when you are not beaten. You might feel like dying when you are truly hurt from the one you love; so don’t stay without love because it has the power to hurt and also heal so as to make us human.

4. It is so hard to stay with someone that you don’t love when your mind is still with your ex and it's painful to get married when you are so young because by the time you reach exact years you start feeling that there is something you are missing and feel like being alone with your life.

5. If you believe and so certain that perfection simply isn’t real then kiss your love in the rain. Though many things in this world can wash away pain but in all none of them compare to kiss in the rain.

6. Love is not all about money. Love is a deep feeling you have in your heart for someone. One thing we all need to know is that love is God and God is loved.

7. Love is blind; sometimes it grows in a wrong person in a wrong place and in a wrong time. Sometimes we must control our love so that we can’t hurt others.

Love Quotes Straight from the Heart for Him and Her

8. Love is a gift from God, given to us to be in happiness all the time that is why God gave us His only beloved son (Jesus Christ) to save our lives. It was all for love and not only that its God’s command to love. We need to love each other.

9. I believe that to truly love is the ultimate expression of the will to live. A heart that truly loves is forever young.

10. There is nothing as sweet as love. It is sweet to start but painful to end. It takes a hold of your heart and it is just like a ball that if you score then you are a winner but if you loose then you are a loser.

11. Love is not sexual, but sexual is the part of the love.

12. Why we as human can’t stay without love because love is in it the addition of enemies but we are human that can't stay without love. Let’s keep the love flowing because we are expected to stay with love forever.

13. Love is a golden chain between two hearts and it is sweet to find your true love. I found you and found the true meaning of love.

14. When the relation is n, people find excuses to meet you but it becomes old, you find people wanting to meet you.

Quotes About Love for Wife, Husband and Lovers

15. It's also so painful when you prove to your woman how much you love her when she can't prove to you back that she really loves you too. In as much as you find this, just love unconditional; if you do, you will find love keep coming back to you.

16. Does love have a distance? If love has no distance then we should love without restriction if we find that perfect person for us.

17. No one have the ability to measure love. Love is a strong feeling you felt and could make you go crazy without self control.

18. This picture represents a place that is not this place. It is a place known to fewer than plenty. It’s a place that starts with the letter D and can see not only through words. Do you know the place?

19. Life is uncompleted without love. Love is a choice from your heart not by someone's will.

20. Love is just a play those in love becomes players. Sometimes love pretends so we adapt to it. But love is real so we have to go for it.

21. Love is the feeling that teaches you to be patience in life.

Romantic Love Quotes for Friendship

22. Is there love without fights? To win love, you need to go for what you want and sometimes you have to fight for it. Love without a fight is never worth calling it love.

23. Sometimes love is so unfair the person you love most loves someone else. They just tend to care about you but they don’t have passion towards you.

24. Love is perfect when there is true and sincere relationship with your partner.

25. Love is like a thunderstorms, unstoppable once it starts and can destroy any obstacles on it way. It's unhidden it can come and go like lightning. So prepare your heart for the worst so when it comes, you can still be yourself without so much hurt.

26. Love to me is the love that God gave us when He gave us His only begotten Son.

27. Love is forever, no half love.

28. It’s not a matter of finding the right person but it’s a matter of being the right person for the one you choose to love.

Love Quotes about Love and Life

29. Love is about dreams. Don’t say you don’t love. If you feel and think of some one; then you are in love.

30. If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest.

31. True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. "If you hear bells, get your ears checked.."

32. When you are with the rightful person, only then you can test the sweetness of love.

33. Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by 2 people when 1 leaves it hurts the other.

34. Love doesn’t come by finding a perfect person but rather by seeing the imperfect perfect.

35. Love is an emotional act it can make you cry, it can make you smile for the rest of your life too.

Inspirational Love Quotes about Love

36. Love bears all things, endures all things, love never ends.

37. If you learn how to love, then learn also to love yourself because sometimes it is also the ignition to destroy you if you learn not to first love yourself.

38. True love is hard to see hard to find hard to build. What make it true is your trust.

39. Love is about carrying a person’s heart and not playing with it.

40. Love is a language that only the heart can understand.

41. Is it true that when you fall in love you hit yourself hard on frustrations?

42. Loving means to be benevolent and take care of your loved ones.

Love Quotes about Relationships

43. Love loves much more lovely when money is not involved.

44. Love is something that goes far beyond my imagination. It is something that is so hard sometimes to control.

45. I want to be a carefree and affectionate when I am with you. I want to sail the oceans far away when I am with you. I want to live forever when I am with you.

46. Love is all about having a partner, who always cares for you, understands you and makes you happy always, love is equally a time spends with your love one that is more valuable than gold and silver; it is all about devotion and dedication to your loved one.

47. My love for my husband is 100%. I love him wholeheartedly and I don’t want to see any bad thing happening too him. He is my better half.

48. Love is a builder of a relationship. When love is in any relationship it cannot stand unfriendly friends.

49. Love is very hurtful especially when you love someone who doesn’t love you the way you love them. It makes you scared to love again.

50. He who is willing to open his or her heart and makes sacrifices fines true love.

51. Treat me like a game and I will show you how its played that is the fun in loving one that loves another.



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50 Relationship Quotes About Love, Friendship And Life For Husband, Wife And Lovers
Love Quotes, Real Life Relationship Quotes, Best Friend Quotes, Strong Relationship Quotes Sayings, I Love You Quotes, Quotes On Relationship Problems, Love Quotes For Him, Inspirational Love Quotes
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