Sweet Romantic & Cute Love Messages: The Tenderness Of Your Love, You Are My Sunshine, The Joy Of Loving You And Your Love Makes Me Smile

Love Words For Him, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Sweetest I Love You Message, Sweet Romantic Words, Love Sms For Your Love, Sweet Love Messages To Your True Love, Hot Love Messages For Him

Sweet Love Messages

Sweet love that sparkle like a million stars. Your love deserves the best and in everywhere you can, be romantic to share that you do sincerely care. Just go ahead and make your love count. Let the tenderness of the one you love makes you feel the essence of love. And that love should be your sunshine.

Let your heart feels the joy and that gladness of finding someone who gives you a peace of mind. Smile if you have gotten that sweet love. And why not do your relationship more good by sharing these poetic love messages from the heart.

The Tenderness Of Your Love

[1]. The ecstasy of your love creates a wild romance in my soul. Now, I can’t wait to hold and wrap you around my heart. That I would be calm to surrender to your feet.

[2]. Tease me with your love and let my soul wild with the glimpse of your adoring beauty. Make me succumb to your alluring power, that my love wouldn’t go nowhere but be with you as you pleases.

[3]. You sweep me off my feet. And make me weak with passion that drives for you. Who can control this lost of sanity but your love that drives me wild. Take me as I am and do to me as you please.

[4]. Slowly, attentively, you pay attention to my heart. I shall love you the way you are because you have the heart to go extra mile in making me feel loved even in a mountain top. I cherish you and your way that I love.

[5]. Woo me slowly, woo me steadily. Make me and let me follow you to the throne of your love. Make me find peace to my soul, that I would stay and love you forever.

[6]. You set a rhythm that controls my soul. That rhythm of your love that is irresistible had made me weak with a desire longing for your touch every now and then. Let it be, that I would forever be yours in love.

[7]. Please my soul with your love, make me feel the aura of your presence. Take me and love me like you want. Make me whole that I would love you like never before.

You Are My Sunshine

[8]. Your look lures me to your heart. And made me fall in love with you. Now I can’t resist that alluring look that had sent me to my knee to plead for your reign over the throne of my heart.

[9]. Your love float within the surface of my heart. Just when I thought I could do without it, it sinks into the bottom of my heart. Now, it had made her rest there. And for me, there she would be that I would love you the way it is.

[10]. You change my life when I met you. And make me see life in a difference direction. I came to love you more the positive things you mean to me.

[11]. Love it was you have for me. For without your love, I know I wouldn’t today be a reform soul. Thanks for loving me the way you have done.

[12]. Radiant eyes that burns with a pretty face. Those eyes of your mixed in the fineness of face. To her throne have I surrender my love that it would guide me and make me whole.

[13]. Mysteriously captivating, that is every sign that your love drops into my soul. I thought I could do without it. But the more I tried, the more I found myself anchor to your apron that had held me down too long to know the person that you’re.

[14]. The lit of your eyes weaken me to my knee. Within her vein, it drives me insane. And the only insanity I need is to hold you close to my heart so I could feel the warm of your embrace that would take this insanity away from me.

The Joy Of Loving You

[15]. When a heart love and is scold does it suppose to go? What if that heart had fallen in love? Should it just accept it that way and never fight back? I shall fight back to keep your love forever for your love is worth fighting for.

[16]. To your love, I am possessed. All I could think of is to be yours. Your hero I want to become. Let me take your hand and walk down the aisle, let me show you all that my heart habour. It is a treasure of you and nothing else.

[17]. Though you brought me to my knee, I shall ever love you even if you still say no. but if you could change your heart, to the bosom of your love, would I stay forever.

[18]. Something about your embrace, that terrified me with deep desire. Each time I held you close, I lost the throne that is my braveness. You make me weak to long for your embrace like never before.

[19]. Your love confused me and still gives me excitement. In the breath of this have I found myself. This is the tonic that makes me desire that I would taste and be cure by this ecstasy that is your love.

[20]. For better for worse, I shall take your love as it may. You came in a special way and gave me love in an unusual way. Now all I do is love you the way you’re.

[21]. Come rain, come sunshine, I shall ever love you the way you’re till the very end.

Your Love Makes Me Smile

[22]. You’re a rare and beautiful flower. You’re like a soul everyone would want to court. But thank God, I got you and found your love amazing. Now, I would spend the rest of my days making you feel your worth for me.

[23]. Your dapper appearance and witty way of words, wild me with ecstasy. You drive me crazy and drop in me the heart to love with every breath that I take.

[24]. How pleasantly difference is your love. That I taste of her and want none of another. Your love gives me pleasure, it saturate my soul and make me forget all that seeks to wear me down. You’re a blessing heaven knows that.

[25]. Sheer joy that is what you bring to my soul. Undying love that is what you give to my soul I shall live in want of it till the end of my life on earth.

[26]. Your love is like a crystal ball, it reveal your glory. Your love is like a Greenland, it reveal her pasture. Your love is like haven, it reveal her paradise. Your love is like me, it reveal her blessing.

[27]. I longed to possess you, I dream to be in your arm. I longed to cares your body, I longed to love you, so I can make your mind forever.

[28]. Your love is like the colour of ripe apple. Her light greenish body, shore through my soul and there I feel the freshness of you that rekindle my dry bones to come alive that it might live for you.

[29]. Like the moon in eclipse, so does your love entangle me about. In the cover of your brightness would I reside that every moment of my life, you will guide in love to be yours together in one.

[30]. I yield to you; you who had made me see love. I live for you; you who had made me see cares. I long for you, you who had made my life turn around.

[31]. My heart wept in passion to possess the nakedness of your beauty. I see flame boil down my soul each time my thought behold your fair skin. Love that is pure, my soul, longs to rest at the bosom of your heart.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: Sweet Romantic & Cute Love Messages: The Tenderness Of Your Love, You Are My Sunshine, The Joy Of Loving You And Your Love Makes Me Smile
Sweet Romantic & Cute Love Messages: The Tenderness Of Your Love, You Are My Sunshine, The Joy Of Loving You And Your Love Makes Me Smile
Love Words For Him, Romantic Love Messages For Her, Love Messages For Her From The Heart, Sweetest I Love You Message, Sweet Romantic Words, Love Sms For Your Love, Sweet Love Messages To Your True Love, Hot Love Messages For Him
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