How To Achieve Quality Education: One Of The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub Developmental Ways

How To Achieve Quality Education: One Of The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub Developmental Ways, Reading is a part of life. And like it is said, that when you stop reading, you start dying. Readers as we know are leaders. There is nothing that gives a man an edge over others like what sure a person knows. And the level of what you know is seen through what you read. The Global Shapers which is an international network of city-based Hubs developed and led by leaders between the ages of 20 and 30 who use their entrepreneurialism to serve society is here to add value to life. The Global Shapers Hub is a network of communities founded by the World Economic Forum, developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, achievements and drive to make a contribution to their communities.

Global Shapers
Reading is a part of life. And like it is said, that when you stop reading, you start dying. Readers as we know are leaders. There is nothing that gives a man an edge over others like what sure a person knows. And the level of what you know is seen through what you read. The Global Shapers which is an international network of city-based Hubs developed and led by leaders between the ages of 20 and 30 who use their entrepreneurialism to serve society is here to add value to life. The Global Shapers Hub is a network of communities founded by the World Economic Forum, developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, achievements and drive to make a contribution to their communities.

In Akwa Ibom State, Mmanti Umoh (MissChangeGene) is the Founding Curator of the Uyo Hub of the Global Shapers Community. She was one of the 450 Curators from around the world who attended the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Annual Curators Meeting (ACM) in Geneva, Switzerland from August 13th – 17th 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was organised by the World Economic Forum. The ACM is a yearly gathering of Curators, or leaders, from the Global Shapers Community, operating through local hubs worldwide, to learn about best practices from each other. The ACM brought together 450 curators from hubs across the world and give the participants an opportunity to exchange experiences on relevant issues, share insights with the World Economic Forum members on regional issues and pressing world challenges.

 According to Mmanti, “The Uyo Hub of the Global Shapers are a group of young, energetic individuals commanding the movement of social justice, city good governance, education and inclusion in the city. We are thinking beyond borders, when it comes to how we envision serving the City of Uyo. How we meet the needs and aspirations of young people will define our common future. Education is critical. The skills and knowledge young people acquire must be relevant to the current economy and enable them to become innovators, thinkers and problem-solvers. Strategic investments can allow young people to claim their rights—to education, health, development, and to live free from violence and discrimination.

Young Empowerment 
As the sustainable development goals that will follow the Millennium Development Goals are being defined, policymakers must not neglect to prioritize the needs of young people and make room for them to carry the next development agenda forward. Young people should be involved in all aspects of the process. Only through meaningful representation by and collaboration with youth will it be possible to move away from an entrenched mind-set of delivering basic services to youth towards an approach that empowers young people and enables them to realize their potential. Young people matter. They matter because they have inherent human rights that must be upheld. They matter because an unprecedented 1.8 billion youth are alive today, and because they are the shapers and leaders of our global future. Yet in a world of adult concerns, young people are often overlooked. This tendency cries out for urgent correction, because it imperils youth as well as economies and societies at large.”

Change Gene
In keeping with it developmental strategies, the Hub has been working on their project “iTeach iLead” that has also been listed in the “Coca Cola Shaping A Better Future” global competition. The hub is developing an advanced solution to the education needs of their community Uyo and country Nigeria.

Like theinknewspaper said, we believe her presence will present an opportunity for youth in Akwa Ibom to participate in the decisions that will determine what the future looks like for them. Young people must have a say now in shaping the policies that will have a lasting impact on humanity and the health of their community. In fulfilling one of their promises, here is what the Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub is doing as reported by Acushla Essien.

The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub '#E4SD Reading and Mentoring Challenge’ an initiative in fulfillment of the ‘Sustainable Development Goal 4 QUALITY EDUCATION’ to give 675,000 Student’s Books, set-up 150 Schools Libraries and pair 13,500 Role Models for mentoring in order to overhaul the academic and attitudinal achievements in the educational sector of Akwa Ibom state kicked off today in Uyo High School, Uyo.

The Speaker of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Barr. Onofiok Luke took up the first challenge. He commenced with reading a page from ‘Burning Hurt by Unyime-Ivy King’, then told the sDevetudents his life story and how he connected the dots from a being a rural child to the No. 3 man in Akwa Ibom State.

There's nothing like seeing a young person with the right values backed up with encouragement, emerging from poverty, going to college, and returning home as a true leader. That's what #E4SD does — it equips young men and women to become leaders who can influence their own families, communities and nations for eternity.

We cannot always wait on the government, when there is truly something everyone can contribute to the development of his/her community. Join the challenge today to make education better in Akwa Ibom State. Give to education today by donating a book, enrich the library, become a mentor through #E4SD.



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Needlelines - Stitching Stories, One Needleline at a Time!: How To Achieve Quality Education: One Of The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub Developmental Ways
How To Achieve Quality Education: One Of The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub Developmental Ways
How To Achieve Quality Education: One Of The Global Shapers Community Uyo Hub Developmental Ways, Reading is a part of life. And like it is said, that when you stop reading, you start dying. Readers as we know are leaders. There is nothing that gives a man an edge over others like what sure a person knows. And the level of what you know is seen through what you read. The Global Shapers which is an international network of city-based Hubs developed and led by leaders between the ages of 20 and 30 who use their entrepreneurialism to serve society is here to add value to life. The Global Shapers Hub is a network of communities founded by the World Economic Forum, developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, achievements and drive to make a contribution to their communities.
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